10月初的週四早上去探訪「週間大家庭」,與弟兄姊妹唱詩、查經、聚餐及相交,體驗了當中很多的温暖以及愛,一切都理所當然地吻合原來期望。當天Derek傳道和我們研讀《路加福音》17:12關於耶穌治好十個痲瘋病人的故事 — 十個病人全被醫好,但只有一個撒瑪利亞人回來大聲歸榮耀給神,俯伏在耶穌腳前感謝祂。。。
I first heard the phrase ‘Get used to different’ from a friend while we were talking about interdenominational fellowship of Christians. Another friend asked me this question unexpectedly on a separate day. “What is the difference between Catholics and Christians?” ... 有一次跟朋友談論跨宗派基督徒團契時,讓我第一次聽到「習異為常」這句話。另外一日,又有朋友問我天主教徒和基督徒有甚麼分別。。。
相信絕大部份弟兄姊妹都必定會讀過創世記,你可能會説創世記一開始便說神的創造,這個題目是不是寫錯了? 然而這便是我讀舊約概覽時老師問的一個問題。首先 “Genesis” 這一個字,原文的意思並不是創世記,創世記是華人翻譯聖經時給它起的名字。Genesis 可以譯作「世代」或「世系 」。。。
I first heard the phrase ‘Get used to different’ from a friend while we were talking about interdenominational fellowship of Christians. Another friend asked me this question unexpectedly on a separate day. “What is the difference between Catholics and Christians?”
It can be hard to pick friends, especially good friends, but God will help you. A good friend can be caring or kind. Your friend does not have to believe in God, it can just be a friend you think is the right friend. But you can pray to God for your friend to know God.
In reading through Genesis, I’m reminded that you and I, human beings, were created as the crowning glory of God’s creation. We were made body, soul and spirit, to bear the image of our Creator and reflect his splendour.