Our History
Founded in 1989, Chinese Alliance Christian Church met the needs of the influx of immigrants from Hong Kong since 1989. They first attended services in English at the Alliance Christian Centre (later called the International Christian Centre) in East Auckland. As the number of immigrants grew, a separate Chinese congregation was established, which was the beginning of what is now CACC. The first Cantonese speaking service was held on the 24th March 1991. On the 26th July 1992, CACC became an organized church.
1989年之後幾年內,大量的香港移民來到紐西蘭,其中有很多信徒參加東區基督教宣道會英文堂的崇拜。當人數不斷增長,Alliance Christian Centre (後稱為 International Christian Centre) 的牧師就協助他們成立宣道會中信堂,於1991年3月24日開始第一堂廣東話崇拜,並於1992年7月26日正式自立。