Mission Convention


Our theme this year is “Love Neighbour, Love Mercy, Live Gospel”. 

We want to remind everyone mission takes different forms. Often spreading the Gospel overseas becomes the stereotype. Caring and loving our neighbours locally is a great way to see Gospel in action. What can we do for the needy.

Through our guest speaker is Ps Eric Ko from Care Ministries International New Zealand, we learned about their care ministries- food bank, Muslim Children Learning Centre, interacting with the homeless and visiting terminally patients in hospital.

We collected lots of food parcel items, household goods to distribute to other Food Banks and Muslim families via Care Ministries International. 

Faith Pledge is another important part of our Mission Convention – gathering offerings to help support our missionaries. We continue to support Karl Udy, Enoch Chan and MacKenzie Nichol. Praise the Lord, this year’s pledge total is $46,330 – which is a record in CACC history.

Our own CACC Mission Fund continues to support our fellow brother and sister in Christ – Simon and Karen Liu who are spreading the Gospel in Japan.



藉著我們講員,紐西蘭國際關懷協會高德成宣教士的分享,我們了解他們的關懷事工 – 食品銀行,穆斯林兒童學習中心,與無家者互動並探望在醫院裡的絕症患者。 


信心認獻是我們宣教年會另一個重要環節 – 收集奉獻以幫助支持我們的傳教士。我們繼續支援Karl Udy,Enoch Chan和MacKenzie Nichol。感謝神,今年色信心認獻總額為$46,300,這是CACC歷史上的記錄。 

我們亦透過本堂宣教基金繼續支援我們主裡的兄弟姐妹 – Simon and Karen Liu。他們正在日本傳福音。