Serve Together


God has a plan and purpose for all people. Whether it is the gift of administration, evangelism, exhortation, hospitality, craftsmanship and beyond – God has given us all spiritual gifts to make a difference in this world by serving Him and each other. We provide opportunities for every member of our church to step into the plans and purposes of God by being involved. 

Our goal is to develop and equip each member of the body to be kingdom leaders and to serve in the church, the marketplace, at home and in the community. Serving in the house brings glory to God and reaches people with the salvation that Jesus offers. 

Volunteers are core. We would love for you to consider volunteering for one of our teams today. Please reach out and we will work together to see where you can fit in the team. 

上帝對每個人都有一個計劃和目的。祂給各人有不同恩賜 — 管理、傳福音、教導、接待、工藝等等,用來事奉祂和彼此服侍,給世界帶來改變。中信堂為教會的每個成員提供事奉的機會,當您參與其中,上帝在您身上計劃和目的就可成就。

我們的目標是培養和裝備每位教會成員成為上帝國度的領袖,並在教會、職場、家庭和社區中服務。 事奉時,我們將榮耀歸給上帝,並傳揚耶穌的救恩。
