By: Jade Lee

Good friends

It can be hard to pick friends, especially good friends, but God will help you. A good friend can be caring or kind. Your friend does not have to believe in God, it can just be a friend you think is the right friend. But you can pray to God for your friend to know God. My friend is Huda, she is very nice. We have been friends since Year 1. She believes in God, she worships God at her house. God has helped me be nice so I have a good friend.


God is the father of Jesus, who died on the cross for me. He will always love me because he made me. He has made a place for me in Heaven. He made all things, even all the birds, trees, ocean, land and fish. When I die I will go to Heaven. All humans sin and make  mistakes but not God, because he is perfect. We will never be like God.


You can pray to God anytime and about anything, whether it is good or bad. God will always listen to you. You might think there are heaps of people praying at the same time and God is not listening to you, but don’t think that because God is always listening. So keep praying.

Published on CACC Newsletter Issue No. 18