Our Community


Carol Singing– we visited and spread Good News to 6 families including home alone elderly people.

Auckland Flood Donations – it was an unprecedented event in January this year. Many families were affected. We raised and donated $8,760 to Red Cross New Zealand to help the flood victims.

Basic Health Check – this was a trial run in March this year. Led by a team of health professionals including doctors, nurses, and pharmacists all from our church to prepare us for a wider community outreach in the coming summer if possible. Checks include testing BMI, blood pressure and blood sugar level. 

報佳音 – 我們探訪並向6個家庭傳福音 ,包括獨居的老人家。

奧克蘭洪水賑災– 今年一月是前所未有的事件。許多家庭受到影響。我們籌集向紐西蘭紅十字會並捐贈了$8, 760 供賑災之用。 

基本健康檢查 – 今年3月作嘗試。由一群來自我們教會的醫生、護士和藥劑師在內的衛生專業人員團隊領導。如果可能的話,為我們在即將到來的夏天進行更廣泛的社區外展做測試。健康檢查包括測試BMI,血壓和血糖水平。