Evangelism Explosion


EE continues to be our staple tool to spread the Gospel. This year, we are delighted to have one sister completed her EE leadership training to help bolster our team.

Our EE teams had 5 “Street Missions” this year, sharing the Gospel with 40 people in the Sommerville, Pakuranga Plaza and One Tree Hill area. Praise the Lord, 8 people committed to Christ. 

Apart from witnessing for God in person, we also shared the Gospel via ZOOM and liaised with 10 people. Praise the Lord, 4 committed to Christ, 3 confirmed they have been saved, 1 is considering with 2 declined.

4 sisters also served at the Dragon Boat Festival celebration on Balmoral Road.


我們的三福團隊今年有5次「街頭佈道」,在Sommerville, Pakuranga Plaza and One Tree Hill 區與40人分享福音。感謝主,8個人決志信主。 

除了實體傳福音外,我們還通過ZOOM分享福音,並與10個人聯絡。感謝主,4 人決志, 3 人有得救確據,1 人正在考慮,2 人拒絕。 

另外,四位姐妹還參加Balmoral Road的端午節慶祝活動。