In reading through Genesis, I’m reminded that you and I, human beings, were created as the crowning glory of God’s creation. We were made body, soul and spirit, to bear the image of our Creator and reflect his splendour. 
Four years ago, I was but an inexperienced and unqualified young adult with nothing but a passion and call to minister to young people. Fast forward to now, God has graciously led me to completing a theological degree and given me this precious opportunity to serve, learn and grow within my home church.
Pastor Jonathan Chow One thing I often hear parents of teenagers say is, “my child doesn’t […]
我經常聽到青少年的家長說:「我的孩子不想再跟我說話了。」這似乎是很多現代家長面對的相同困難。但事實上,青少年最想要的是陪伴在他們身邊的父母,沒有其它事物能替代。 為甚麼家長與青少年難於相處呢?我想主要原因是溝通方法。家長可能想幫孩子處理他們的問題 — 而孩子只是想有人聆聽他們。因此孩子迴避跟你訴說他的問題。又或你對某個話題有強烈意見 — 為了避免爭議,孩子不再跟你討論這話題。
Pentecost —meaning ”fifty”—is a special day celebrated fifty days from Easter Sunday. It is the day we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit to the early disciples, and with it powerful manifestations of spiritual gifts. On that day, filled with the Spirit, Peter preached his first sermon and brought three thousand people to come to know Christ as their Saviour.