One of my most recent encounters with God actually occurred the other day at church during service. I think recently (with starting work) I’ve been so busy trying to manage my time and fit everything in that I haven’t had time to sit still in the presence of God. .. 我最近一次與神的相遇就發生在那日崇拜的時候。因我剛剛開始工作,忙於將所有要做的事情都擠進有限的時間裡,反而沒有留一些時間在神面前靜默。。。
Pentecost —meaning ”fifty”—is a special day celebrated fifty days from Easter Sunday. It is the day we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit to the early disciples, and with it powerful manifestations of spiritual gifts. On that day, filled with the Spirit, Peter preached his first sermon and brought three thousand people to come to know Christ as their Saviour.