10月初的週四早上去探訪「週間大家庭」,與弟兄姊妹唱詩、查經、聚餐及相交,體驗了當中很多的温暖以及愛,一切都理所當然地吻合原來期望。當天Derek傳道和我們研讀《路加福音》17:12關於耶穌治好十個痲瘋病人的故事 — 十個病人全被醫好,但只有一個撒瑪利亞人回來大聲歸榮耀給神,俯伏在耶穌腳前感謝祂。。。
I first heard the phrase ‘Get used to different’ from a friend while we were talking about interdenominational fellowship of Christians. Another friend asked me this question unexpectedly on a separate day. “What is the difference between Catholics and Christians?” ...
《生命聖詩》有兩首大家耳熟能詳的詩歌 〈耶穌恩友〉 和 〈天父必看顧你〉。
According to the Gospel of John, Jesus is a one-of-a-kind Son to God the Father (John 1:14, 18; and 3:16, 18). This means their relationship is unique. What can we, as sons and daughters of the same Heavenly Father, albeit of a different kind, learn from that relationship?....
根據約翰福音1:14, 18; 3:16, 18的記載,耶穌是父神獨一無二的兒子。這意味著祂們的關係是獨特的。我們跟耶穌同是天父的兒女,雖然類型不同,但我們可以從耶穌與父神的關係學到甚麼呢?。。。