I love you, Lord Resting in the bosom of your embrace At the appointed time I keenly meet to know you
My desire is to glorify you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer I will give you praise from the deepest recess of my heart For you alone are the great “I AM”
Edwin Yip Why do the people of this world plot against my people?Why do the nations […]
The moment long awaited All creation held its breath Inside a virgin’s womb Conceived the Son of God as man The King who comes not to be served
Edwin Yip Covid-19 ruined everything The world will no longer by the same Whether we have […]
如果我要用一個字去總結2023年,那就是成長。 這是令人感到興奮的一年,看到教會的會眾對認識神的渴望不斷地增長,這反映在我們的會眾在屬靈路上熱心地互相建立 – 這正是教會應有的運作。這對我來說是一個極大的鼓勵,我感謝神為著祂在我們當中所做的一切。
If I were to sum up 2023 with one word, it would be growth. It's been an exciting year seeing this church grow in its desire to know God. This is reflected in an eagerness in our members to build each other up in their spiritual walks – exactly as the body should be working. This has been a great source of encouragement to me and I thank God for what he's been doing in us.
This March marks the seventh year of my service at CACC. Brothers and sisters have asked me why they didn’t feel I am resting more during my sabbath. Despite all these years, I am still not good at resting, as God has commanded us to rest. (Now it is after midnight and I’m still writing this report.) Therefore God has given me some small ailments so I must face up to it.
Due to changing circumstances in Hong Kong, many people have emigrated to New Zealand. They brought with them the hope of a new life as they joined our church. These new families also brought new thoughts for us. How do we prepare our kids to welcome new friends and help them integrate into CACC? How do we build a Christ-centred group with love that embraces and accommodates our differences?