請為Student Life事工2024年的6名新信徒和9名新領袖讚美天父上帝! 請為他們今年夏天的靈命成長祈禱。
紐西蘭生活狀况越來越差,求神幫助新一屆執政者能體察民情,改善社會經濟狀况,減少罪案的發生。 為以巴衝突禱告,願兩地的領袖們減少殺戮之心,知道他們所流的是無辜人的血,懂得考慮以仁愛和平的基礎來談判。
I am the servant of the Lord Most High His Spirit is strong in me I burst out in songs of praise Knowing, He is with me
I love you, Lord Resting in the bosom of your embrace At the appointed time I keenly meet to know you
My desire is to glorify you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer I will give you praise from the deepest recess of my heart For you alone are the great “I AM”
Edwin Yip Why do the people of this world plot against my people?Why do the nations […]