Edwin Yip

Why do the people of this world plot against my people?
Why do the nations of this earth plot against Israel?
Do they not fear my name, my wrath
When they strike my people, my chosen ones
In the Promised Land

Blessed are those who bless them
Cursed are those who curse them
Let that be a warning
My promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
All will be fulfilled in time

You who think highly of yourselves
You who have joined the wolves
That ravage my sheep over the years
All that has been done are not forgotten
For I neither slumber nor sleep

My heart is in deep sorrow
As I hear the suffering of your people, still
I pray for Israel and the Holy Land
Father, forgive us for we do not know what we have done
Our involvement in the slaughtering of your sheep

Your grace is what hold us all together
You have grafted us into the root of David
To be adopted into one big family
Jews, gentiles and all nations alike
But salvation comes from the Jews

A time is coming when there will be
No more separation among his children
One flock, one people, one church
One Lord, one God, one Spirit
All following the voice of the good shepherd