It has almost been a year since I took up “extra” (non-work related) study, enrolling at Carey Baptist College, picking up one theology paper per semester. The first paper I selected was an introduction to theology, and the second on the Gospel of John. I admit – I was hesitant to consider studying theology initially. Somehow, I think most of us have this impression that theology is reserved for the elite few such as pastors and missionaries... 我報讀克理神學院快一年了,學習一些與工作沒有關係的知識。在第一個學期選讀了神學導論,第二個學期選讀了約翰福音。我承認開始時我是有些猶疑的,因我想大家都會覺得,只有牧師和傳教士這些精英人士才會去念神學。。。
「義人的腳步被耶和華立定,他的道路,耶和華也喜愛。 他雖失腳也不至全身仆倒,因為耶和華用手攙扶他。」        (詩篇37篇23至24節) 師母在我們結婚十週年時,她送給我一本聖經,在內頁上寫上這段經文。
壽數隨年日增長,但你的靈性有隨之而變得更有智慧嗎?退休雖然是從職場退下來,你可有想過重新在上帝的聖工上路嗎? 這本書將帶我們發現上帝的國是沒有設定退休年齡。退休或年老都只是另一趟靈旅,是上帝在我們生命中設計的一段獨特旅程。。。