According to the Gospel of John, Jesus is a one-of-a-kind Son to God the Father (John 1:14, 18; and 3:16, 18). This means their relationship is unique. What can we, as sons and daughters of the same Heavenly Father, albeit of a different kind, learn from that relationship?.... 根據約翰福音1:14, 18; 3:16, 18的記載,耶穌是父神獨一無二的兒子。這意味著祂們的關係是獨特的。我們跟耶穌同是天父的兒女,雖然類型不同,但我們可以從耶穌與父神的關係學到甚麼呢?。。。
It has almost been a year since I took up “extra” (non-work related) study, enrolling at Carey Baptist College, picking up one theology paper per semester. The first paper I selected was an introduction to theology, and the second on the Gospel of John. I admit – I was hesitant to consider studying theology initially. Somehow, I think most of us have this impression that theology is reserved for the elite few such as pastors and missionaries... 我報讀克理神學院快一年了,學習一些與工作沒有關係的知識。在第一個學期選讀了神學導論,第二個學期選讀了約翰福音。我承認開始時我是有些猶疑的,因我想大家都會覺得,只有牧師和傳教士這些精英人士才會去念神學。。。
Earlier this year, I read the book pictured on the left, after receiving it as a gift from a Catholic friend. Learning to listen to God’s voice is an important aspect of being a faithful servant of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is not always an easy task. We are bombarded by distractions and many other voices in our daily lives. Hence, the importance of spending time being still before God (Psalm 46:10)... 年初讀畢《聆聽內心的聲音:向依納爵學習明辨》(圖右),是天主教朋友送我的。學習聆聽上帝的聲音是成為主耶穌基督的忠心僕人的一個重要部分。我們被世界誘惑,又被日常生活的雜音干擾,因此,花時間在上帝面前休息是重要的。(詩篇46:10)。。。
我經常聽到青少年的家長說:「我的孩子不想再跟我說話了。」這似乎是很多現代家長面對的相同困難。但事實上,青少年最想要的是陪伴在他們身邊的父母,沒有其它事物能替代。 為甚麼家長與青少年難於相處呢?我想主要原因是溝通方法。家長可能想幫孩子處理他們的問題 — 而孩子只是想有人聆聽他們。因此孩子迴避跟你訴說他的問題。又或你對某個話題有強烈意見 — 為了避免爭議,孩子不再跟你討論這話題。
看到弟兄姊妹能在團契小組中真情流露的連結,我為此感謝上帝。在教會中,沒有別的事情比上帝賜下的關係更值得歡喜,也沒有別的事情更能見證上帝的美善和愛。 連結非易事,雖有一拍即合,亦有相識數載才成為深交。從交換電話到發訊息,從電話邀約到見面相聚,若不留心積極去做,一等可能需時數月。說起通訊,現代人喜用訊息聯繫,我有時亦懶得打電話。可是,電話閒聊幾句,往往比數十訊息更能將人連結起來。更好當然是進入生活中,坐下吃飯,互相探訪家聚,種的煮的,食的玩的,閒聊有了共同語言。。。