Written By: Lambert Lee;文:李卓豪長老

Every one of us would experience changes in our lives, whether it’s getting married, starting a family, moving to a new house, starting a new job or immigrating…etc. Our church life is also continually evolving, as is our circumstances. The brothers and sisters you came across 10 or 20 years ago, may not be attending the same church or serving with you together. The pastor who cared about you 10 or 20 years ago may not be close to you anymore. We sometimes long for those happy times and not wanting to face changes or challenges.

CACC in the past 30+ years has had many changes and in 2024, the most significant change was that our pastors were gone and for this critical period, the new pastors are yet to come and there is no quick fix. Some of us might feel lost which is natural as we are used to be led by our pastors. However, please be reminded that our Lord Jesus Christ is the everlasting great Shepherd, and we are His sheep, all saved Christians have the Holy Spirit as their counsellor and we have the Bible to help us understand God’s will, we need to trust in His promises.

But then who is going to pastor the church, you may then ask, well this is the change we are going through. It is a great milestone when the Board of Elders is finally formed after the fourth elder was elected in the 2024 AGM, which means it becomes the governing body of the church and this also fulfils our Bylaw as there had been different pastors trying to set this up in the past 10 years, just that CACC wasn’t ready yet. (Note that all full-time pastors, present or future, will automatically be members of the Board of Elders).

So, what’s next after the Board of Elders is formed? This means the church is no longer led by pastors alone, but by a team made up of pastors and elders. Firstly, as a team, we set the pastoral direction, then the pastoral tasks will be distributed among team members to set its own goals and timelines. Next, ministry teams will be formed by inviting brothers and sisters to help execute the task. These ministry teams will receive mutual support and regular reviews which will ensure we are not diverging from our goals. With clear guidelines and greater involvement of all believers, this will prevent the stagnation of pastoral care or change in the pastoral direction when any elders step down or pastors resign.