- 長者主日,幾個青年人跟兩位長者在崇拜前傾談;之後的主日,她們再次坐下互相問候。
- 另一個片段是在主日八時半早餐時段,粵語主日學的同學們跟參加英文崇拜的弟兄姊妹在接待處不同的角落一起共進早餐。
Thank God for our gradual marching toward our church vision! The 2023 annual mission “Deeper Life” calls us to live a “Christ-centred” life in the Holy Spirit, and we anticipate moving further to “Missional” next year. A “Intergenerational” and “cross-cultural” church family cannot happen overnight, but there are two very promising episodes recently:
On the Senior Citizen’s Sunday, several young people chatted with two elderly people before worship; and then on the following Sunday, they greeted each other again.
Another time was when English service congregants having breakfast at 8:30 AM on Sunday, brothers and sisters from Cantonese Sunday school joined them and chatted in the foyer.
Nothing is impossible in the Lord, and you are invited to participate and become part of the vision!
(Translated by Fandy Au/Daniel Chan)
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Gospel Kids的再思
感謝主的引導,這些思考都深化我對Gospel Kids的理解。原來,我們在主耶穌基督的愛裡,不僅透過學習主的話語,深化孩子對福音的認識。同時,神開濶我們的眼界,讓我們知道,福音並非停留在某個個體,而要傳遞到每一個新朋友的生命。
Rethinking Gospel Kids
Due to changing circumstances in Hong Kong, many people have emigrated to New Zealand. They brought with them the hope of a new life as they joined our church.
These new families also brought new thoughts for us. How do we prepare our kids to welcome new friends and help them integrate into CACC? How do we build a Christ-centred group with love that embraces and accommodates our differences?
Thanks to the Lord, these thoughts have deepened my understanding of Gospel Kids. When we are in the love of Jesus Christ, we do not merely help kids learn about God’s word and deepen their understanding of the Gospel. We need to open our eyes and spread the Gospel to every newcomer.
May God bless us with spiritual eyes so that we understand His will. May He grant us wisdom, so that we can build a loving faith community using different methods.
(Translated by Felix Lee)
This March marks the seventh year of my service at CACC. Brothers and sisters have asked me why they didn’t feel I am resting more during my sabbath. Despite all these years, I am still not good at resting, as God has commanded us to rest. (Now it is after midnight and I’m still writing this report.) Therefore God has given me some small ailments so I must face up to it.
My greatest improvement in serving this year is to focus most of my time in serving small groups. Weekday Church-family Gathering on Thursdays, Bible study class on Fridays, and Sunday School are on my menu every week. Studying the word of God is still my favourite part of serving, and interactive learning with brothers and sisters brings me great joy.
At the end of last year I expressed to the Excom my wish to reduce administrative tasks and focus more on shepherding; this July I officially stepped down as Excom chairman. Change sometimes comes slowly. May God call his servant with the right leadership and administrative skills to lead the church, and may Him give us enough patience to wait.
As for me, I hope in the next year I can serve more faithfully according to the gifts given to me. May God continue to use me.
(Translated by Felix Lee)
今年在講壇的服侍, 完成了 “彼得前書” 與 “猶大書” 兩卷書 :
「然而你們是蒙揀選的族類,是君尊的祭司,是聖潔的王國,是屬神的子民,為要叫你們宣揚衪的美德– 衪召你們離開黑暗進入衪奇妙的光明 。」 ( 彼得前書 2 : 9 ) (環球聖經譯本 )
「但是你們呢,親愛的啊,要在你們至聖的信仰上建立自己,在聖靈裡禱告,保守自己在神的愛裡,仰望我們主耶穌基督的憐憫,直到永生。」 ( 猶大書 20, 21 ) ( 環球聖經譯本 )
The sermons this year have covered the books of “1 Peter”; and “Jude” :
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (1 Peter 2 : 9) (NIV)
“But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit. keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.” (Jude 20, 21) (NIV)
These two scriptures remind us of once again how to cherish our honorable status as children of God in the last days. In addition, the spiritual path is like sailing against the current. If we do not advance, we will retreat. Therefore, we must be holy, thirst for spiritual milk, build ourselves in God’s words, lay a solid foundation in our belief, and keep ourselves in God’s mighty hands until we meet the Lord.
In the service of the Noah Fellowship, I lead the elders in Bible study; teach them how to learn from Lord Jesus’s deeds; how to follow Jesus and learn from Christ; how to follow Jesus’s examples; encourage further understanding of the relationship between the Lord Jesus’s death/resurrection and us; encourage the elders to believe and accept Christ as soon as possible so that they may gain salvation, and have the assurance of eternal life.
The home visits/caring and intercessions have always been major tasks for me and my wife. Every time I visit someone, I can feel the presence of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It further familiarizes me with brothers and sisters in a way that we may encourage and support each other.
(Translated by Fandy Au & Daniel Chan)
If I were to sum up 2023 with one word, it would be growth.
It’s been an exciting year seeing this church grow in its desire to know God. This is reflected in an eagerness in our members to build each other up in their spiritual walks – exactly as the body should be working. This has been a great source of encouragement to me and I thank God for what he’s been doing in us.
I’m especially encouraged to see our young people grow in their faith and their enthusiasm to reach out, both to God and to others in the church. It’s a privilege to walk alongside them as they mature in their faith and lives and I pray that we can continue to grow together for many years to come.
I’ve continued my studies this year, auditing one paper per semester at Carey: prophets in semester one, and the Psalms and wisdom books in semester two. I’ve enjoyed learning from the Old Testament and it’s helped me see how Jesus’ ministry fits into the bigger picture of God’s story.
I want to encourage you to be proactive in being examples to the younger generations. I often quote 1 Timothy 4:12: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” The same is true the other way round: as their elders, we also ought to be setting an example for them. The kind of church you want them to grow up in is the kind of church we need to be building up.
Looking ahead, my primary focus will still be on equipping our students and wider congregation members to be knowledgeable and skillful leaders who love God.
May God bless you through and through.
Pastor Jonathan
這是令人感到興奮的一年,看到教會的會眾對認識神的渴望不斷地增長,這反映在我們的會眾在屬靈路上熱心地互相建立 – 這正是教會應有的運作。這對我來說是一個極大的鼓勵,我感謝神為著祂在我們當中所做的一切。
我想鼓勵你們積極主動地成為年輕一代的榜樣。我經常引用提摩太前書4章12節的經文:“不可叫人小看你年輕, 總要在言語、 行為、 愛心、 信心、 清潔上, 都作信徒的榜樣。”反過來也是一樣:作為他們的長輩,我們同樣也要為他們作榜樣。我們希望他們在什麼樣的教會成長,我們就要建立這樣的教會。
願神不斷地祝福你 。
The key English ministries at CACC are divided into fellowship, prayer, worship, caring and adult Sunday school. We are blessed that each ministry works closely with the others, with plenty of communication and collaboration, allowing us to grow and share together.
One of our main focuses this year is connecting with others. This year, the youth has been a major priority for us. We’re also encouraged that some people from the Cantonese Sunday school have started joining us for breakfast before service, giving us the opportunity to meet more people in the CACC family.
If you’re from the Cantonese congregation, please don’t be shy and introduce yourself to us when you have the chance! We would love to know you better.
如果你是粵語堂的會眾,請不要遲疑,當你有機會的時候就向我們介紹你自己!我們很想認識你。 (勞健華姊妹翻譯)
Victor Shum
As a ministry we strive to encourage members of our congregation to have a prayer first culture – a culture where prayer is our first point of call. Not only having a prayer first culture but also for brothers and sisters to have prayer as part of their daily life. As a ministry we are involved in the following:
● Monday Night Prayer
● Sunday Morning Prayer Meeting
● Monthly Stay & Pray
● Worship and Prayer
Some changes that have happened this year are:
● Addition of Monday Night Prayer – Weekly prayer meeting done online via Facebook call gives flexibility for non-regular members of prayer meeting to join, submit prayer requests and pray together.
● Monthly Stay & Pray – Prayer core members stepping up to lead this segment during service and we rotate monthly giving each member an opportunity.
This year, monthly stay & pray has active participation among congregation members and this has been a great opportunity for members to pray with people that they may be unfamiliar with.
Gabrielle Ip
Last year covid had dramatically changed the ministry to a soft approach with much prayer and online support, but this year the caring ministry is back with a more hands on approach.
This year’s two key focuses are welcoming newcomers and caring for the local community.
There has been an increasing number of attendees in the English Congregation from a range of ages and family stages. Hence there has been a focus on increasing the number of greeters to cater for this growth. We continue to look for more greeters to create a welcoming and friendly environment to newcomers. Furthermore, we are looking to integrate newcomers into the church more easily by inviting them into small groups and to church events. We are also exploring how we can create a setting for all family stages to comfortably attend, especially for young families.
The breakfast team also play a big part into welcoming on Sunday mornings. The team has really stepped up and done a superb job serving heartwarming meals to uplifting servers on Sunday morning and creating a lively atmosphere to help wake up attendees with coffee and tea.
A trial health care day was undertaken earlier this year. The health day was a high-level check on general health such as blood glucose levels, BMI and blood pressure. Many brothers and sisters from the medical field that volunteered, supported that day. There is still more effort required for caring for the local community, so please pray for this area within the ministry.
Lastly with the growing congregation, pastoral care is an appeal to provide unity and compassion for those that are facing physical and spiritual challenges. Let us lift this to God to provide strength and His answer.
Leader: Jonathan Chow, Ka Yiu Li, Esmond Leung
Members: 28
The Worship band has had a consistent year thus far. We have been blessed with the amount of members in this team which has led to less overcommitment from individual members. This year, we have welcomed Lexi Wong as a singer. It’s been encouraging to also see various members starting to try out different instruments/areas of service within the team. As usual, we will continue to welcome people who are interested in serving in the worship team.
The panel team has been going well. For member changes, Grace Park has left us to embark on her journey overseas, but we welcome Raphael Lee as a new member to the team. We continue to pair up an older and a newer member together on Sundays but recently Raphael and William have stepped up to the challenge to panel together as newer members. We are also learning and trying a new presentation tool.
The band is currently going through a leadership change and Pastor Jonathan has generously taken on the role of Worship Team Coordinator with Ka Yiu staying on in the interim until anyone steps up into this role of leadership.
The key challenges the band is currently facing are grasping the full meaning of worship, leading the congregation into Spirit-led worship and the unity of the band. With Monday practices being only required by rostered band members, this has detracted us from being aware of each other’s practical and spiritual needs. We will try to organise a band meet up to evaluate on this rhythm of practice and also will organise an end of year event to celebrate the year past.
We believe that as a worship team, our worship to God comes first whereas music, sound and visuals come second.
Please continue to put this team in your prayers as we are looking to raise up a new coordinator to lead the worship team.
Caleb Liu
This year in Equip was mainly delivered by Sidney and I as we sought once again to equip our brothers and sisters with further study of God’s words and related aspects of living out our faith. We were able to cover the following topics this year:
- BibleProject classroom series – we finished a year-long series examining the Old Testament as a whole, including the origin of the OT and how it was written, how to interpret biblical narrative and poetry, and how to understand the OT in a more well-rounded way.
- Lectio Divina (meditative Bible reading) – inspired by a sermon that touched on the practice of lectio divina, we completed a short course on how to practise lectio divina effectively.
We hope that in the coming year we are able to connect with believers of all levels and help them continue to grow in their journey with God.
Leader: Sidney Leong
Members: 45 – 50
Connect 4 is the collective name of all the English Ministry Fellowship Groups which gather on Friday nights at church. We strive to experience and respond to God’s love together through building deeper relationships with God and each other, through our fellowship activities.
Connect 4 is represented by 4 groups: ‘TFG’, ‘PassionFruits’, ‘FlaminGO!’ and Youth Fellowship. ‘Agrape’ has disbanded and their members have joined the different fellowship groups in leading or member roles. We have now included the high school youth as part of our Friday night ministry. The theme of “Connect” is still core to our overall mission – to create connections between ourselves, generations, cultures, the church and to God.
Building connections with the youth has been a primary goal for the past year. We have recently held a successful youth camp where both generations connected very well. We are looking to continue the momentum into the next year by organising more combined nights with each other.
Leadership development has been another focus for our ministry. The leaders of each group convene every 6 weeks to go through “Leadership Essentials” training. This provides a space for leaders to be filled by the Bible, and given space to share and encourage each other as leaders. We are looking forward to another year of spiritual growth and seeing God work in all areas of our ministry!
The past year has been a fruitful one for TFG with a few new members joining. At TFG, we have continued to focus on sharing our daily life struggles and life experiences with each other while supporting each other in our spiritual growth through the sharing. We have recently started a new Prayer Board activity to help encourage us to share our struggles and to help pray for each other throughout the week as well as a way to remind ourselves of our prayers that are answered.
We have enjoyed having more combined activities with the other fellowships over the past year and pray that we will be able to use these connections to serve God in new and exciting ways.
TFG’s focus for the coming year is to continue to foster an environment for sharing and spiritual growth with specific focus on Spiritual Struggles, Sharing how we experience God through our week and Spiritual Disciplines.
Leaders: Tony and Christine
Recently, we reviewed and reflected on the past 8 months of 2023. We started the year with a homegroup potluck dinner, catching up with each other. Throughout the year, our fellowship gatherings took forms in short topical discussions, sharing, home group, games night, worship and prayer. We also took part in activities combined with the other fellowship groups and wider church activities such as the Easter Station. Many of our group members went travelling during this time and we thank God for the safe journeys and enjoyable experiences.
As a group, we share our ups and downs, reach out when needed and strive to encourage one another in our spiritual journeys. We share our spiritual goals, study scriptures and pray for each other. We continue to pray for God’s wisdom and guidance in our group, growing our bond with one another and deepening our relationships with Him.
Leaders: Sean Peh & Sabrina Lau
FlaminGO! is a group of young adults who meet every Friday. Our group is named after the spiritual fire of God and our desire to go(!) share His love.
This year we have welcomed a few new faces to our group, it is truly a blessing to grow and fellowship together with some fresh voices in the mix.
A highlight this year has been watching and discussing The Chosen, an online series based on Jesus’ life, together as a fellowship.
Some of the things we would appreciate prayers for include
- God’s continuous wisdom and guidance for direction as a fellowship
- For us to be able to keep each other accountable on our spiritual habits
- Perseverance in our spiritual disciplines and faith journey
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them – Matthew 18:20
從上年十一月開始,為了更專注及有效地討論有關粵語事工事宜,我們成立了粵語事工委員會,成員包括Jennifer, Lambert, Sharon, Stephen 及 Derek傳道。在每月第一個週六,大家聚集一個小時,專注一個特定議題作檢討,討論及提議。議題包括有糸統的信徒培育,新信徒栽培的配合,團契小組擴展,崇拜改革等。七月份當我們討論到團契小組時,還特別邀請了所有組長一同參加集思大會。
Over the past year, the Cantonese Ministry has grown significantly, which has motivated us to work even harder for the Lord. We hope to bring even more people to know Jesus and to follow Christ. The average worship attendance has jumped from over 80 in person plus over 30 online last September to over 130 people in person and 20 online now.
Many families have joined our Sunday services, and we’ve welcomed a number of older newcomers who have gotten to know the church through weekday fellowships and activities, leading them to know Jesus. The involvement of a younger generation in our Sunday services, supported by the worship team, has revitalized our worship experience.
Our main focus includes reaching out to new friends, helping them integrate into church life, inspiring them to seek the Lord, and guiding them to follow Jesus Christ. Nurturing new comers and fostering spiritual growth of believers are also important parts of our ministry. Our theme this year is “Deeper Life”. Through sermons and devotionals by Tozer, we helped brothers and sisters gain a better understanding of the Holy Spirit and His work in our lives, so that we can all live a Christ-centered life through the Spirit.
Last November, we formed the Cantonese Ministry Committee to address matters related to our Cantonese-speaking congregation. The committee comprises Jennifer, Lambert, Sharon, Stephen, and Pastor Derek. On the first Saturday of each month, we gather for an hour to delve into a specific topic, reviewing, discussing, and proposing ideas. Topics included systematic nurturing of believers, coordinating growth of new believers, expanding fellowship groups, and reform of worship services. In July, we invited all fellowship leaders to a brainstorming session on fellowship groups.
Currently, we have over 160 people organized into 11 fellowship groups. These groups are mainly organized according to age, but there’s also a multi-generational Weekday Church-family Gathering. Group leaders and members support each other to grow in Christ.
We believe in holistic care. Alongside our spiritual pursuits, our Caring Ministry has continued to faithfully support individuals in need and their families. This year, Enrich Gym held a series of six marriage seminars and greatly blessed the eight couples who attended. For community service, we established the Healthy Brain Hub, letting elderly friends train their brain while having fun every Wednesday. This year, we began holding memorial services at CACC, in order to provide a more familiar environment to remember and console each other as we remember those who have gone to be with the Lord.
Looking ahead to the next year, we are eager for more brothers and sisters to embrace their gifts and join the ranks of faithful service, striving towards our church’s vision, and become a Christ-focused mission community together.
(Translated by Felix)
Welcome Team 迎新隊
Sharon Kwong
Lambert Lee / Pastor Derek
在聖經的研讀上,我們除了由本堂的導師教導新舊約書卷外,近年亦大量借助中神提供的 「延SUN之道」主日學錄影教材,開闊了課程的種類。在本堂導師按學生程度協調下,課程如「耶穌生平」及「舊約神學淺說」大大加深了我們對聖經的認識。
Sharon Kwong
聯絡人:Julia Lee,每月第三週在網上聚會
- 有組員一家很多年前回流原居地(美國)和一位經常週遊四方的組員,仍然在Whatsapp group 保持聯繫,彼此代禱
- 6個家庭的孩子年齡相距甚遠,有些已工作多年,有些在海外進修,有些剛開始大學階段,最年輕的仍在中學求學。由此,你可猜想組員的年歲都不會是年輕一族
- 除了去年9月才參加的一對夫婦,和另一個參加了3年的家庭,其餘的都在這組裡超過10年了,彼此都建立了很好的關係
- 由封城開始,小組轉為在 Zoom 聚會,到現在仍然維持在 Zoom
- 去年年底,我們的隊長 (對組長親切的稱呼) 因健康問題,需要休息,所以小組暫沒有正式的組長
- 但組員都願意繼續每月輪流帶查經和彼此分享代禱,沒有停止聚會
- 因還沒有正式的組長,求神在組員中興起一或兩位組長(co-leadership)來帶領小組
- 繼續透過研讀聖經,組員能彼此建立,在信仰上往下扎根,向上結果 (以賽亞書37:31b)
- 組員能建立更密切關係,彼此扶持分擔憂慮,恆切儆醒地一起禱告和為他人代禱
組長:Ben Cheng,每隔三週在教會聚會
組長:Stephen Liu/Irene Liu,每月最後一週在教會聚會
組長:Shirley Tsang,每三週在家中聚會
Peace Fellowship spent most of the year studying a book called Transformational Discipleship by Eric Geiger/Michael Kelley. We enjoyed the book very much as we yearn for spiritual growth within Christ, wanting to live a life that is transformed by the Holy Spirit.
Our group then moved on to Bible study – dived into the book of Philippians and Ephesians. The word of God is full of wisdom. Pray that whichever book we choose next, God will speak to us all and continue to grow in Him day by day.
During Easter, we had fun preparing for the church’s Easter event together. We came up with the idea and work as a team to make it happened – designing, printing, translation, set up the video at church… it was great team work !!
In the last few months, we have decided to gather every 3 weeks on Saturdays. Most of the time we enjoyed lunch or dinner together depends on what time we gather for that week. Other than regular fellowships, our dear brother/sister Ken and Sharon generously open up their home for more social gatherings like hot pot dinners. We want to follow Christ’s example – praying and supporting each other in Christ.
This is my commandment; love each other just as I have loved you. John 15:12
組長:Raymond Lee,隔週在家中/教會聚會
過去一年各國的關口重開,信實組有好多弟兄姊妹都趁有時間回到自己國家去到探望親人,也有親人到紐西蘭去探望他們。 因此我們都是斷斷續續的聚會。
我們今年開始了馬太福音的查經。每三個星期一次的查經,分別由多位弟兄姊妹帶領分享 。他們分享神的話語時,令我們能從不同的角度去睇馬太福音, 當中帶領查經的弟兄姊妹特別覺得得益最深,因為在預備中,需要深入研究經文和倚靠聖靈的引領。
Committee: Elaine Lui, Catherine Yu, Anne Sung and Bobo Leung
小組的特色:成人小組 (40歲以上)
1. 我們每個月第三個星期天下午兩點都有聚會,以查考聖經為主要內容。今年我們選用了查經書 “合神心意的生命” 來配合我們的年度同心目標。
2. 每個家庭輪流在書中選擇一篇主題,然後預備及帶領組員硏讀文章及聖經經文。今年我們更特別勉勵大家每日靈修並分享得著。
投入使命:組員們都十分響應教會舉辦的Food Bank行動。希望在10月份我們有機會到Food Bank參與食物整理,服務人群。
組長:Richard Leung, 每月第四個星期日在教會聚會
Our fellowship is made up of 5 core families: Vivian/Richard; Kitty/Ben; Bernie/Billy; Michelle/John; and Sara/Fred. Coincidentally, each family has exactly 2 children. So altogether, we are 10 adults and 10 children.
For the last few years, Sharon and Ken have been mentoring us on our journey of building healthy Christian families. This year, God has called them to serve in other ministries. Although we are sad to say goodbye (although we still see them every Sunday), we are very grateful for their time with us, and wish Sharon and Ken well in their other ministries in CACC.
This year, we have chosen to study the book “The Good And Beautiful God” as a group. Each month we discover more about the God that Jesus knows, and in that process, we fall more and more in love with Him. Although the focus of the book is on our personal relationship with God, we inevitably drift towards talking about the main thing we all have in common … kids! Our kids range from 3 to 12 years of age, and give us plenty to talk about while we enjoy some takeaway lunch after every 4th Sunday Service of the month and before we start our book discussion.
Looking forward, we hope to welcome more families with young children to our fellowship, to share the joys (and frustrations) of Christ-centered parenthood.
組長:吳君賢姊妹(Ella Ng),每週五在教會聚會
凡靠著他,心裡相信他,就必得著永生。 – 約翰福音 3:16
「凡事謙虛、溫柔、忍耐,用愛心互相寬容」(以弗所書4:2) 使我們能夠遵從聖靈的引導,學習建立充滿愛與和諧的團契。
DBS 小組
組長 : Rebecca Lau
我們小組特色是以DBS Discovery Bible Study形式進行開組, 以DBS進行小組是想達到承傳, 傳承主愛, 透過示範帶領, 再由其他組員作帶領, 讓各組員能具體掌握如何以DBS作為靈修及或傳福音, 一起去學習神話語。
我們於2023年6月14日首次開組, 回顧過去也許未有定時聚在一起, 一同享受查經的樂趣。
我們展望大家均在神的話語𥚃,彼此提醒、建立,有更深入的分享, 好讓我們的生命都得著和改變, 互相代禱,彼此支持, 在主內一起成長,盼望各人均嘗試並具體掌握到如何以DBS進行靈修開組。
健樂坊 (Enrich Gym)
聯絡人:Sharon Kwong
健樂坊今年的重點工作是舉辦一連六個「佳偶?成」婚姻講座,我們有八對夫婦和未婚人士參加,目標是重新認識婚姻的意義,在信仰基礎上,明白如何在婚姻關係中,處理衝突,學習溝通技巧和培養親密關係,讓婚姻關係不斷成長, 彰顯神的榮耀,帶來給家庭和他人的祝福!
聯絡人:Julia Lee,聚會時間:逢星期三10至12時 (學校假期休息)
- 成立過程:
- 2021年8月— 政府的長者局 (Office for Seniors) 「長者友好基金」(Seniors Age Friendly Fund) 開放申請,讓各非牟利機構發展對社區長者有貢獻的項目。因此緣故,李俊傑傳道、社工Mandy Ho 和 Julia Lee 都想設計一些社區活動來幫助長者預防認知能力下降、或延緩腦退化症患者病情的惡化。雖然申請這基金未能成功,但轉折中卻在2022年3月成功申請到獎券社區基金和豪域區議會的資助,因此可以成立HBH
- 2022年4-5月—成立工作小組,除了以上3位成員,加入了Dr. Cannis Tse(提供專業知識)、林爽(教育顧問)、Christine Wong、 John Chee和Cindy Wai(東浸)
- 2022年6-7月—在東區各華人教會和社區宣傳招募義工,有13位完成由Mandy和 Cannis負責的訓練(共4次)
- 2022年8月10日—舉行第一次聚會,有13位參加者,都是從各教會和社區宣傳得知HBH的成立
- 2023年8月9日—一週年紀念,共舉辦43次,最低出席人數7人,最高出席人數32人,這年裡共有71人報名參加。但義工由一開始的13位變只剩下6位。
- 目標和特色:
- HBH期望透過「腦健康」活動,加強社區連繫,推廣社區對「腦健康」的關注,加強對患有腦退化症的長者的包容和體諒
- 參加者稱為「腦友記」,義工稱為「同行者」。腦友記人數不斷加增,都是因為已參加的腦友記和同行者不斷大力推介吸引而來的。其中有班腦友記「粉絲」 從第一次聚會到如今,仍興致勃勃地每週來玩桌遊,他們的名句是:「最好日日都喺星期三!」
- 活動進行時只用廣東話,讓腦友記有親切感:如果使用兩種語言,患有腦退化症的腦友記可能會有混淆感覺
- 每週的活動包括運動 (強健身體)、集體遊戲 (建立友誼) 和桌遊(動腦筋記規則、思考製勝策略、彼此交流、等等)
- 使用桌遊的主要原因,是桌遊對長者的認知能力有保護的作用,因桌遊設計多樣化,變數繁多,要不斷思考部署,這會提高他們的「認知儲備」 (cognitive reserve),而有研究發現若「認知儲備」較多,長遠可能有助減慢認知能力衰退和延緩腦退化症的惡化。
- 展望:
- 感謝神,賜我們一個滿有熱誠的工作小組,常常得到Mandy 和 Cannis的鼓勵和建議,其他成員就盡用他們的恩賜彼此配搭來帶領HBH,求神讓我們在以後的日子能將HBH的功用發揮得更好
- 期望能繼續維繫現有的同行者不至流失,讓他們在陪伴腦友記的同時,個人亦會有得著及成長
- 需要招募更多同行者以配合不斷加增的腦友記,已計劃在9月尾10月初的學校假期間進行第二次訓練,由Mandy負責。求神賜我們願意學習玩各種桌遊的同行者,當受訓後能教導玩法和陪伴腦友記一起玩,祝福社群
- HBH成立時有一個願景,能發展一個桌遊圖書館,希望在來年可以做到這點
- 有一兩位腦友記因參加HBH而成為挪亞團成員,亦有來參加崇拜的,祈求神讓我們的言行能為主耶穌作見證,能帶領更多人相信祂,得到救恩
HBH – Seniors Healthy Brain Hub (Cantonese)
Meeting Time: Every Wednesday 10 am-12 noon (during the term)
Contact person: Julia Lee
- Setting up process
- August 2021 – Office for Seniors announced that the Seniors Age Friendly Fund was open for application to any non-profit organisations that could develop projects benefiting seniors in the community. This inspired Pastor Derek, Mandy Ho (Social Worker) and Julia Lee to design some community activities to help prevent the decline of cognitive ability among seniors, or slow down the decline in memory and thinking of those diagnosed with mild to moderate dementia. Although our application was unsuccessful, we managed to received funds from the Lottery Community grant and some funds from Howick Local Board in March 2022. Thus HBH could be set up.
- April to May, 2022 – A working group was being set up. Dr. Cannis Tse (provides expertise about dementia), Song Lam (Education Advisor), Christine Wong and John Chee (from CACC) and Cindy Wai (from PCBC) joined the above 3 members.
- June to July, 2022 – We recruited volunteers through promoting in the community and the Chinese churches in East Auckland. 13 volunteers completed the 4 trainings led by Mandy and Cannis.
- 10 August 2022 – 13 participants turned up for our first meeting. Again we promoted this in the community and the Chinese churches in East Auckland.
- 9 August 2023 – This was our first anniversary. We had 43 meetings and 71 people did sign up during the past year. The lowest weekly attendance was 7 while the highest was 32. However, we only have 6 volunteers left.
- Aim and Special Features
- Through brain health activities, HBH aims to build strong community relationships, promote the awareness of brain health, and increase our inclusiveness and consideration for seniors with dementia
- The participants are called 「腦友記」(literal translation is “brain friends”) and the volunteers are called 「同行者」(meaning we “brain” alongside them in this journey). The number of participants increased steadily as the current members recommended HBH highly to their friends. We have some “fans” who came on the very first week and still continue to come every week looking forward to playing the board games enthusiastically. They keep saying, “It would be so good if it’s Wednesday every day!”
- We only use Cantonese during the activities to make participants feel welcomed. Also, it will not create confusion for those with dementia if two different languages are used.
- The weekly activities include exercises to maintain physical stamina, group games to develop friendship and board games to stimulate the brain through learning the rules, thinking of winning strategies and encouraging communication, etc.
- The main reason for playing board games is because this can help to maintain the cognitive ability of the seniors. Board games are very diverse in their design and learning various games needs the participants to keep using their brain. This contributes to raising their cognitive reserve. Studies have found that the more cognitive reserve we have, it may help to slow down the loss of cognitive ability and prevent the rapid decline in memory and thinking of those diagnosed with mild to moderate dementia in the long run.
- Looking ahead
- Thank God for providing us with a passionate working group. Mandy and Cannis regularly encouraged us and gave us suggestions. All other members worked in unity and used all their gifts to lead HBH. Pray that God will enable us to truly fulfil the aims of HBH
- Pray that we can develop a stronger relationship with the current volunteers and encourage them to continue in their serving. We hope that they will gain more knowledge and have personal growth
- We need to recruit more volunteers to serve the growing number of participants. During the upcoming term break, Mandy will provide 2 weeks of training. Pray that God will provide us with volunteers who are willing to learn to play board games and will be able to teach the participants how to play and play alongside them after the training.
- One of the visions of HBH is to develop a board games library. We hope that we can do this in the coming year
- Through participating in HBH, a few participants also joined Noah Fellowship and some attended the Sunday service too. Pray that God will enable us to witness for Christ in our words and deeds so that more people will believe in Jesus and receive His saving grace.
神恩處處 God’s Grace is All Around
Reflecting on the previous year of children’s ministry, as the pandemic situation gradually improved, the church resumed in-person gatherings, and children gradually returned one by one to worship together. Praise the Lord! He has safeguarded the children’s health and enabled them to actively participate in the gatherings. Apart from this, thanks to our Heavenly Father! The long-awaited newborn, ‘Tang Yuan’ BB, was born in April. May she continue to grow in the love and grace of the Lord.
Meanwhile, following the changing dynamics of Hong Kong society, together with a recent wave of immigration, numerous Hong Kong families have settled in Auckland and joined the Chinese Alliance Christian Church (‘CACC’). Currently, more than twenty children are participating in children’s worship gatherings. We continue to look forward to the integration of more new families, fostering the practice of Christian faith across diverse generations and cultures. We seek the Lord’s guidance as these families continue to adapt and adjust to their new immigrant lives, seeking an understanding of the Christian faith, and engaging and interacting within the CACC family.
在兒童崇拜的敬拜安排上,自去年六月份,我們注入新的元素,讓就讀八年級或以下的孩子 (包括Up & Grow、Gospel Kids和Little Lamb) 在兒童崇拜中,先合班敬拜,預備心靈,才分班聆聽神的信息。這安排雖然帶來挑戰,在跨齡牧養上帶來一些思考,但聖靈所賜合而為一的心卻引導我們,以敬畏的心,敬拜獨一的真神。
在去年十月中,我們再次為三歲或以下的孩子(Little Lamb)預備兒童崇拜,孩子的人數雖然少,但導師從不怠慢,按著小朋友的需要,用心陪伴孩子閱讀、分享聖經故事、玩玩具、做手工等,遇上家長,更會和他們分享生活點滴。雖然我們仍在摸索,怎樣從小培養孩子屬靈的生命,但我們深信主愛錫小孩子,導師用心的陪伴、教導、預備每一份的禮物、食物、甚至身教的榜樣,必然留在孩子的生命中。
1.Knowing the True God
Starting from June of last year, we have incorporated new components into the format of our children’s worship. All children, who are in grade 8 and below (including Up & Grow, Gospel Kids, and Little Lamb) are arranged to first participate in a joint worship session during children’s worship. This collective worship serves the purpose of preparing their hearts before they later transition to separate classes to receive God’s message. While this arrangement has brought challenges for multi-age nurturing, the unity given by the Holy Spirit has guided us to worship the one true God with reverence.
Following our Lord’s guidance, and through the observation of the interaction between our teachers and children, we had a better understanding of how children adapt to this new worship arrangement. After a few times of joint worship, we found that children progressively immersed themselves in the new practice, demonstrating their dedication in various ways such as attentive contemplation, attentive listening, singing, swaying, dancing, and engaging with teachers. Besides, we have invited different families to lead songs, injected fresh elements into the process, and encouraged all attendees to worship and express their devotion to the Lord in different roles and ways.
Concerning the messages that are presented to children during worship, we continue to follow the three-year gospel-centered curriculum around the history of God’s salvation, sharing the gospel message with the kids through this curriculum to help them understand its important meanings in their lives. Therefore, we aim to deepen children’s understanding of the gospel and its practical application in daily life. We ask the Lord to grant them the capabilities to comprehend and understand the mystery of the gospel, the profound impact of salvation, and the transformational change it brings to their lives.
Commencing from mid-October of last year, we once again organized children’s worship for kids aged three and below, known as Little Lamb. Though the size of this group is still small, the teachers remained steadfast in their responsibilities. They conscientiously guided the children through a range of activities, such as reading, telling the bible stories, playing with toys, engaging in crafts, and more. They also took the time to connect with their parents and share in life’s moments. As we continue to explore different ways to nurture the spiritual development of our young children, we firmly believe that the love of the Lord surrounds these young ones. Our teacher’s dedicated companionship, teaching, thoughtful gifts, food, and even their role-model behaviors will surely leave a lasting impact on the children’s lives.
Gospel Kids
合班敬拜 Combined worship
隨著新家庭的加入,孩子對基督信仰的認識也有參差。有些從小在教會成長,深得父母的信仰傳承,有些卻剛到步,在港從未接觸信仰。為了讓他們得到合適的餵養,我們按孩子的信仰情況,預備了第一期的信仰課程 (七節):福音課程及主題聖經課 – 禱告 (一)。
2.Learning the Way of the Lord
With the addition of new families, there exists a diversity in children’s understanding of the Christian faith. Some children have grown up in a religious environment and inherited their parents’ values to a great extent, whereas others are recent immigrants who have never experienced religion in Hong Kong. To ensure they receive proper spiritual nurturing, we delivered the first phase of the faith course (seven sessions) in accordance with their religious background and conditions, including the Gospel and themed bible classes – Prayer (Part One).
Thank you, Heavenly Father! We were happy to see that parents were supportive to let their kids participate in this course and we had a total of 17 kids attending. A team of six devoted teachers was formed to facilitate the themed Bible classes. We firmly believe that children have developed new perspectives and created lasting connections as they interacted with teachers and peers during the course.
主題聖經課 The themed Bible classes
3. Come and Praise
Children possess innocent and beautiful hearts. They led the congregation in worship through their songs of praise, offering their adorations through joyful singing. Two children’s choirs were arranged to perform during the music worship event in December of last year and the celebration of the church’s anniversary this year in March. Children in these choirs demonstrated their vocal harmonies, together with the reading of scriptures, gestures, and dances which formed part of a worship performance dedicated to our Heavenly Father.
兒童詩班 The children’s choirs
May all our offerings find favor in the eyes of the Lord and progressively contribute to the spiritual growth of the children.
4.Inter-generational and Cross-cultural Ministry Team
Thank the Lord! Over the past half year, the Lord has guided more families to join our CACC family, enabling more children to participate in children’s gatherings and come to know our Heavenly Father. We welcome each child with gratitude and hope that they know more about Jesus and receive salvation.
In view of this, the need for children’s nurturing in the church has been revealed by the Lord, motivating more than thirty CACC brothers and sisters to participate in our children’s ministry despite the variety of languages, life pathways, faith foundations, or immigration phases. The activities of the triune God in children’s ministry continue to be unhindered – enabling more children to come before the Lord directly.
Thank you, Lord! Children’s ministry not only nurtures the children but also extends the reach of the Gospel. Most importantly, this ministry has evolved into an open space for church members to offer their service, fostering collaboration between individuals of different ages who, alongside pastors and congregational leaders, assume diverse roles in different aspects of children’s ministry. We firmly believe that the transmission of the Christian faith does not solely rely on verbalizing God’s actions; rather, witnessing His wondrous salvation through our lives.
At the start of this year, a sharing session was organized for children’s ministry members to get to know each other. In the session, they reflected on God’s grace in children’s ministry, sharing the current situation, and looking forward to another new year of service, with anticipation of the grace of the Lord! In July, we arranged a workshop to further equip our ministry members with relevant skills in processing and delivering God’s messages. We pray that our Lord continues to preserve the faith of every ministry member, sustaining unwavering hopes, upholding their faithfulness in the assigned ministry duties, and passing on the Christian faith to one another.
26/2事奉人員分享會 26/2 Ministry Member Sharing Session
30/7 事奉人員工作坊 – 如何預備及及向兒童分享信息
30/7 Ministry Member Workshop – How to Prepare and Share Information with Children
1. 透過崇拜,讓孩子敬畏上帝;
2. 透過學習聖經,讓孩子明白真理;
3. 透過訓練,讓孩子分享福音;
4. 透過詩班,讓孩子學習敬拜天父。
願主按祂的心意,讓孩子「成其所是」- 按著天父創造的樣式,成為合主心意的小門徒。
Our aspiration is that our children get familiar with the gospel, depend on Jesus Christ, accept Him as their Saviour, and let His direction lead them through their lives without wandering.
- Through worship, let children revere God.
- Through studying the Bible, let children understand the truth.
- Through training, let children share the Gospel.
- Through the choir, let children learn to worship the Heavenly Father.
May the Lord, according to His will, make the children “become what they are” – in the image of our Heavenly Father – becoming his little disciples aligned with His heart.
We are the Children’s Ministry Servants for this Year (8/2023 – 7/2023):
Amy, Simonie, Vivian, Eric, Elaine Guan, Kitty, Lambert, Shannon, Lucy, Richard, Connie Lam, 潔瑩, Ming, Irene, Maggie Tiew, Lily, Ps Jonathan, Elaine Chan, Billy, Michelle Cheung, Joey, Jovita, Beatrix, Bethany, Erika, Belicia, Katie, Esmond, Reann, Cherie, Ashlyn, Sarah, Winds, Bernie, Julianna
(Translated by Anna Tam)
Up & Grow is our Sunday morning worship for pre-teens (Y5-Y8) and gives them a space to worship and learn about Jesus in a fun and engaging way. We teach important biblical truths and combine it with encouraging the children to explore what it means that God wants to have a personal relationship with them.
This year we’ve grown and have on average 12-13 children each week. This is a significant number and we are actively looking for more people to serve in this area.
I want to especially acknowledge our teachers and helpers for their dedication to serving in this ministry: Tommy, Richard, Andy, Michelle, Ying Ying and Wendy. Their perseverance has allowed us to push through the many challenges and lets us continue to serve children in this space.
Up & Grow 是專為進入青少年期之前的孩子( 5 至 8 年級)而設的周日上午的崇拜。我們期望他們透過這個平台,以有趣且能投入的方式去認識耶穌。我們不但教導重要的聖經真理,而且鼓勵孩子去探索上帝是如何渴望與他們建立關係。
今年我們的人數增長了,平均每周有 12-13 個孩子。針對這需要,我們正在積極尋找更多的義工在其中擔任服事。
我要特別感謝我們的老師和義工。Tommy, Richard, Andy, Michelle, Ying Ying 和 Wendy 一直投身於這個事工。他們的堅持使我們能夠克服許多挑戰,並讓我們繼續服事這個年齡層的孩子。
(Candice Choi, Daniel Choi翻譯)
Milk Tea (青年主日學)
Milk Tea is our Sunday morning programme for Y9-Y13 students. This year has seen a lot more stability and we have transitioned this group more firmly into the Sunday school space, exploring a variety of topics together – key spiritual disciplines, practical issues relating faith to everyday life, and the Gospel of Mark.
We believe solid biblical truths are a key pillar of our faith and there is a need for a clear understanding of who Jesus is and the message of the gospel. Each Sunday after our worship service, we have this time to equip our young people with the knowledge and skills to foster a robust and resilient faith.
Our numbers continue to grow and we now average more than 16 students each week. With more and more students heading to university, we are continuing to look at options for reorganising this space.
I want to thank Michael, Shirley, Gabby for their continuous commitment and dedication to creating a fun, nurturing space for our youth. This year, Gabby has stepped down from her role, but we are excited that several new people have put their hands up and are looking to perhaps step into this area.
Please be praying for this ministry!
「Milk Tea」是專為 9 至 13 年級的學生所提供的周日上午課程。今年由於出席人數更加穩定,所以我們更加肯定地將這個小組轉移至主日學時段,並讓孩子們一起探索各種主題——培養屬靈上關鍵的紀律、在日常生活上實踐信仰,並閱讀馬太福音。
我們的人數持續增長,現在每周平均有超過 16 名學生。隨著越來越多的學生進入大學,我們正考慮如何重組這個小組。
我要感謝 Michael, Shirley 和 Gabby 持續的委身和奉獻。他們為我們的年輕人創造了一個有趣且獲得培育的空間。今年,Gabby 逐步退出她的角色,但很高興有幾位新人站出來並希望進入這項事奉。
請為這個事工禱告! (Candice Choi, Daniel Choi翻譯)
Youth Fellowship (青年團契)
Our Youth Fellowship meets every Friday evening and provides a vibrant space for youth and university students to meet and journey together as they grow in faith and knowledge of Jesus as our personal Lord and Saviour.
This year, the group has been led by Michael and Ps Jonathan. As with many of our church groups, we have had a lot of new members and the group has grown to 14 members on average each week. Although there have been many challenges, we are grateful for the relationships that have developed and the way we have been able to encourage and support our young people.
Our main focus this year was to connect the younger generation with the English-speaking adults. We created opportunities for the adult fellowships to interact with the youth through combined events such as games nights, worship nights or simply leading a discussion. All of this culminated in our Youth Camp which really brought our relationships to a new level.
Thank you to all the fellowship leaders for supporting our initiatives, and especially to the camp leaders who sacrificed a lot to make it possible: Lexi, Wes, Celeste, James, Jo, Elim, Shirley and Sidney.
Heading into 2024, we are looking at options to restructure the group to ensure that even with the increase in numbers we are able to provide care and support to every young person who joins. Please pray for us!
Youth Fellowship (青年團契)
今年,該小組由 Michael 和 Jonathan 傳道帶領。像教會的許多團契一樣,我們加添了很多新成員,平均每週增加到 14 人。儘管面臨許多挑戰,我們感恩彼此之間已經建立了關係,因而能夠鼓勵和支持這些年輕人。
感謝所有團契領袖支持我們的倡議,特別感謝為達成以上目標而作出無比犧牲的營地領袖:Lexi, Wes, Celeste, James, Jo, Elim, Shirley 和 Sidney。
進入 2024 年,我們正在考慮重組團契的方案,以確保即使人數增加,也能夠為每一位加入的年輕人提供關懷和支持。請為我們祈禱!
(Candice Choi, Daniel Choi翻譯)
鄺偉夫 Kenneth Kwong
因應教會的實際需要,我們已經將教會的Wi-Fi系統升級,讓一些不能實體回教會敬拜的會眾, 也能夠在家中流暢地觀看視頻。 我們亦已經將副堂兩個投影機故定,讓小組及團契能夠更容易用作聚會。
The general affair may be the most inconspicuous department of the church, but it is also an essential one, responsible for the normal operation of the whole church. From the smallest light bulb replacement, the repair of the toilet seat to the large scale replacement of the lighting system of the whole church; the maintenance of the air conditioning system, all of these that the General Affairs Department needs to coordinate and implement.
I would like to thank God for letting several brothers willingly to serve, and set up the General Affair Planning Committee this year, to serve the church efficiently and deal with relevant problems effectively.
In response to the actual needs of the church, we have upgraded the church’s Wi-Fi system, in order for those congregations who cannot physically coming to Church, be able to participate in the worship seemingly at home. We have also set up two permanent projectors in the side halls, to make it easier and more convenient for groups and fellowships to use.
Finally, I hope that more brothers and sisters be willing to participate in the General Affairs Department this year, to serve the increasing number of ministries of the church.
清洗教會外圍 Building Wash
感謝天父讓一班弟兄姐妹願意在建堂小組中服侍,其中有Stephen Tsang, Jacky Leung, Michelle Chan, Tony Fan, Billy Ho, Raymond Cheng 及 Ben Mak. 他們各有專長,在建堂的事能夠互相配搭。
Thank God that we have a team of brothers and sisters willing to serve in the construction group, including Stephen Tsang, Jacky Leung, Michelle Chan, Tony Fan, Billy Ho, Raymond Cheng and Ben Mak. They all have their own expertise and can complement each other in the building project for our church.
Thank God for allowing all the necessary preliminary tests to be completed smoothly, and we can start preparing the first draft of the project. Pray that the Lord can help the architect team to complete it with wisdom.
Ask the Lord to let the Church congregation all have the same heart, keep praying for the construction project; seek the Lord’s will, and also have enough money for the Church to support the expansion plan.
Ask the Lord to let the church make full use of the existing limited space to support the increasing ministries . Everyone can understand each other and see more of others’ needs than themselves. We can also use the Church spaces to support the needs of the community during the week.
Ronnie Tong
中信堂歷年的珍貴圖片及以往中信號有關靈命成長及信仰反思的文章 – 新網站集結了這些中信堂獨有的寶貴資源,讓新朋友了解我們更多,弟兄姊妹們也細看重温;程序表上的「祈禱事項」其實不應該每週即逝,新網站有「禱告牆」讓大家隨時網上代禱;還有我們所支持的宣教士消息,如果錯過了壁報版的展示,在網站中你會找到。
Thank you and praise the Lord! The website team would like to invite everyone to witness its transformation upon the release of CACC’s annual report.
We hope that anyone who browses the website of CACC, regardless of age, will have a feeling of friendliness and contemporary; no high-sounding and far-fetched words to make people daunting, and not too frivolous to make people misjudge our beliefs. Unlike some websites where they lay particular stress on one language, we choose to display Chinese and English simultaneously as much as we can, as such highlighting that we are a cross-cultural church. We deliberately add buttons on each page to attract visitors learning more about the church. We also pay extra attention to the choice of font size, hoping to soothe our eyes when browsing.
The task of restarting the website optimization in September last year was not very smooth. We had to redo the work due to website software problems; some of the team members experienced traumas like illness, death of family members, changing jobs or departed due to studying abroad. All these prevented us from fully focusing on serving; but God led more brothers and sisters to help out in one way or the other, and together they brought many surprises.
We can see God’s provision and His will in the process of sorting out the content:
The Website team has gathered and published the unique resources of the photos of CACC over the years and articles on spiritual growth and faith reflection in the CACC newsletter – so that new visitors can learn more about us and brothers and sisters can review them. The new website has a “prayer wall” for everyone to pray online anywhere and anytime – there are many prayer items in the weekly bulletin which should stay for longer than a week; there is also news about the missionaries we support.
Other than text, the new website is providing an ongoing multi-media platform, that allows more creative space for pastoral team, ministry team and even brothers and sisters to jointly demonstrate that CACC is a dynamic church family.
May the Lord use this new website to achieve the vision of the church and use it to spread our faith farther and deeper.
(Translated by Fandy Au & Daniel Chan)
We would like to use this chance to appreciate everyone who has participated in bridging between the two languages in CACC in the past year. As we grow as one church and have more interactions between different generations, there are more opportunities to use your language gifts to serve each other, on stage or off stage. This could also be a great place to be trained for future outreach or mission work to different ethnic groups. Please contact us if you want to be part of the team.
Interpreters: Joyce Leung, KaYiu Li, Lambert Lee, Julia Lee, Stephen Tsang
Translators: Anna Tam, Candice Choi, Daniel Choi, Daniel Chan, Fandy Au, Felix Lee, Julia Lee, Kathy Lao, Lewis Chow, Michelle Cheung
We are grateful for Lord’s provision availing us the many opportunities to spread the Gospel.
Evangelism Explosion (EE)
EE continues to be our staple tool to spread the Gospel. This year, we are delighted Joey Yick completed her EE leadership training to help bolster our team.
Our EE teams had 5 “Street Missions” this year, sharing the Gospel with 40 people in the Sommerville, Pakuranga Plaza and One Tree Hill area. Praise the Lord, 8 people committed to Christ.
Apart from witnessing for God in person, we also shared the Gospel via ZOOM and liaised with 10 people. Praise the Lord, 4 committed to Christ, 3 confirmed they have been saved, 1 is considering with 2 declined.
4 sisters also served at the Dragon Boat Festival celebration on Balmoral Road.
Mission Convention
Our theme this year is “Love Neighbour, Love Mercy, Live Gospel”.
We want to remind everyone mission takes different forms. Often spreading the Gospel overseas becomes the stereotype. Caring and loving our neighbours locally is a great way to see Gospel in action. What can we do for the needy.
Through our guest speaker is Ps Eric Ko from Care Ministries International New Zealand, we learned about their care ministries- food bank, Muslim Children Learning Centre, interacting with the homeless and visiting terminally patients in hospital.
We collected lots of food parcel items, household goods to distribute to other Food Banks and Muslim families via Care Ministries International.
Faith Pledge is another important part of our Mission Convention – gathering offerings to help support our missionaries. We continue to support Karl Udy, Enoch Chan and MacKenzie Nichol. Praise the Lord, this year’s pledge total is $46,330 – which is a record in CACC history.
Our own CACC Mission Fund continues to support our fellow brother and sister in Christ – Simon and Karen Liu who are spreading the Gospel in Japan.
Community Outreach
Carol Singing- we visited and spread Good News to 6 families including home alone elderly people.
Auckland Flood Donations – it was an unprecedented event in January this year. Many families were affected. We raised and donated $8,760 to Red Cross New Zealand to help the flood victims.
Basic Health Check- this was a trial run in March this year. Led by a team of health professionals including doctors, nurses, and pharmacists all from our church to prepare us for a wider community outreach in the coming summer if possible. Checks include testing BMI, blood pressure and blood sugar level.
三福仍然是我們傳播福音的主要工具。今年,我們很高興Joey Yick完成了她的三福隊長訓練課程,加強我們的團隊。
我們的三福團隊今年有5次「街頭佈道」,在Sommerville, Pakuranga Plaza and One Tree Hill 區與40人分享福音。感謝主,8個人決志信主。
除了實體傳福音外,我們還通過ZOOM分享福音,並與10個人聯絡。感謝主,4 人決志, 3 人有得救確據,1 人正在考慮,2 人拒絕。
另外,4位姐妹還參加Balmoral Road的端午節慶祝活動。
藉著我們講員,紐西蘭國際關懷協會高德成宣教士的分享,我們了解他們的關懷事工 – 食品銀行,穆斯林兒童學習中心,與無家者互動並探望在醫院裡的絕症患者。
信心認獻是我們宣教年會另一個重要環節 – 收集奉獻以幫助支持我們的傳教士。我們繼續支援Karl Udy, Enoch Chan和MacKenzie Nichol。感謝神,今年的信心認獻總額為$46,300,這是CACC歷史上的記錄。
我們亦透過本堂宣教基金繼續支援我們主裡的兄弟姐妹 – Simon and Karen Liu。他們正在日本傳福音。
報佳音 – 我們探訪並向6個家庭傳福音 ,包括獨居的老人家。
奧克蘭洪水賑災– 今年一月是前所未有的事件。許多家庭受到影響。我們籌集向紐西蘭紅十字會並捐贈了$8, 760 供賑災之用。
基本健康檢查 – 今年3月作嘗試。由一群來自我們教會的醫生、護士和藥劑師在內的衛生專業人員團隊領導。如果可能的話,為我們在即將到來的夏天進行更廣泛的社區外展做測試。健康檢查包括測試BMI,血壓和血糖水平。
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Financial reports and Budget 財政報告及預算
Dear brothers and sisters,
Thank you for your continued faithfulness in providing financially to our church through the past year. Your giving has allowed us to continue investing not only in our church ministries, but also to look outwards and support missionaries and other Christian organisations that are also contributing to God’s kingdom. As per Acts 20:35 “it is more blessed to give than to receive”. Your trust in the Lord’s faithfulness, and your trust in us with your financial offerings, allows us to partake generously in building God’s kingdom together.
Annual tithing income has increased by 12% compared to last year. Thank you for your continued giving.
Our overall operational expenses (i.e. for CACC and CACC Trust collectively) has increased by 34% compared to last year. Although a large increase, this was still 8% less than what we had budgeted for.
A breakdown of our operational expenses is set out below:
Key drivers for the above figures are as follows:
- Both General and Ministry expenses were significantly higher compared to last year’s actuals as 2021-2022 was heavily impacted by COVID for the first half of the church financial year. This meant a lot of church activities could not take place hence spending was artificially lower than normal.
- Decrease in Pastoral expense compared against budget was the biggest driver for spending below budget. This was due to not being able to hire an English Lead Pastor (which was included in the budget).
上述支出數據的主要因素 :
- 一般支出及事工支出跟2021-2022實際比較明顯高出很多,因為2021-2022首6個月的財政年度受到疫情嚴重影響,很多教會活動未能進行,以至支出低於正常水平。
- 教牧薪津的減少是支出低於預算的最大因素。原因是仍未能聘請到英語主任牧師(去年預算已包括這項)。
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We are expecting the coming year to remain tough from a financial perspective, but we remain confident that God will supply our every need.
The key call outs in expenditure are as follows:
- We are continuing to look to recruit an English Lead pastor as that remains an area of need. We remain faithful that God will provide the suitable candidate in His time.
- We have included some budget for a leadership retreat and youth camp for the coming year.
- There are some large capital expenditures ($113K) anticipated for this coming year. This includes continuing the initial preparatory work for our building expansion, as well as upgrades to our ventilation system to better improve air flow. Although these are large sums, these activities represent an investment by the church to better support the increasing number of congregants attending church and using the facilities.
主要支出如下 :
- 要繼續招聘英語主任牧師,因教會需要一位帶領的牧者。我們仍然相信上帝會在祂的時間裡,為我們預備合適的牧者。
- 預算費用給來年的領袖退修會及青年營
- 預計來年會有一筆大額資本支出($11.3萬),這包括繼續進行擴堂的初步評估工作費用,以及將大堂通風系統升級以改善空氣流通。雖然這兩項是很大的支出,但教會人數不斷增長,這些投資可以改善場地的使用。
Apart from the above, there are no other material anticipated changes in our operational and capital expenditure.
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