Karl Udy

Create digital platforms and applications to spread the Gospel by use of media reaching to all nations.


Prayer Items This Month 本月祈禱事項

Thank God for the rich times in the past month at the Oceania leadership summit, Lausanne congress and with Hong Kong Emerging leader team.

Please pray for follow up from the Lausanne congress there is a collaborative action group on digital communities that I will be playing active role in.

Also pray for the revamp of the tandem website and launch of our new digital evangelism training.

Pray for our NZ digital team too – pray that god would build our team up and raise new members.

Also pray for upcoming travel to team meetings in South Africa and the US. Pray also for rest and energy for the work ahead. Thank you

感恩事項: 🌺感謝上帝,在過去的一個月裡,在大洋洲領導峰會、Lausanne 大會和香港新興領導人團隊,共度過了豐盛的時光。


  1. 請為Lausanne大會的後續行動祈禱:那裡有一個關於數字社群的協作行動小組,我將在其中發揮積極作用。
  2. 為雙人網站的改造和我們新的數字傳福音培訓的推出祈禱。
  3. 為我們的紐西蘭數字團隊祈禱: 上帝會建立我們的團隊並培養新成員。
  4. 為即將在南非和美國舉行的團隊會議祈禱:也為未來的工作祈禱休息和精力。