Cantonese Ministry

Over the past year, the Cantonese Ministry has grown significantly, which has motivated us to work even harder for the Lord. We hope to bring even more people to know Jesus and to follow Christ. The average worship attendance has jumped from over 80 in person plus over 30 online last September to over 130 people in person and 20 online now.
Many families have joined our Sunday services, and we’ve welcomed a number of older newcomers who have gotten to know the church through weekday fellowships and activities, leading them to know Jesus. The involvement of a younger generation in our Sunday services, supported by the worship team, has revitalized our worship experience.
Our main focus includes reaching out to new friends, helping them integrate into church life, inspiring them to seek the Lord, and guiding them to follow Jesus Christ. Nurturing new comers and fostering spiritual growth of believers are also important parts of our ministry. Our theme this year is “Deeper Life”. Through sermons and devotionals by Tozer, we helped brothers and sisters gain a better understanding of the Holy Spirit and His work in our lives, so that we can all live a Christ-centered life through the Spirit.
Last November, we formed the Cantonese Ministry Committee to address matters related to our Cantonese-speaking congregation. On the first Saturday of each month, we gather for an hour to delve into a specific topic, reviewing, discussing, and proposing ideas. Topics included systematic nurturing of believers, coordinating growth of new believers, expanding fellowship groups, and reform of worship services. In July, we invited all fellowship leaders to a brainstorming session on fellowship groups.
Currently, we have over 160 people organized into 11 fellowship groups. These groups are mainly organized according to age, but there’s also a multi-generational Weekday Church-family Gathering. Group leaders and members work together to grow in Christ.
We believe in holistic care. Alongside our spiritual pursuits, our Caring Ministry has continued to faithfully support individuals in need and their families. This year, Enrich Gym held a series of six marriage seminars and greatly blessed the eight couples who attended. For community service, we established the Healthy Brain Hub, letting elderly friends train their brain while having fun every Wednesday. This year, we began holding memorial services at CACC, in order to provide a more familiar environment to remember and console each other as we remember those who have gone to be with the Lord.
Looking ahead to the next year, we are eager for more brothers and sisters to embrace their gifts and join the ranks of faithful service, striving towards our church’s vision, and become a Christ-focused mission community together.