Pastor Jonathon Chow (22/01/2023)
I first heard the phrase ‘Get used to different’ from a friend while we were talking about interdenominational fellowship of Christians. Another friend asked me this question unexpectedly on a separate day. “What is the difference between Catholics and Christians?” ... 有一次跟朋友談論跨宗派基督徒團契時,讓我第一次聽到「習異為常」這句話。另外一日,又有朋友問我天主教徒和基督徒有甚麼分別。。。
相信絕大部份弟兄姊妹都必定會讀過創世記,你可能會説創世記一開始便說神的創造,這個題目是不是寫錯了? 然而這便是我讀舊約概覽時老師問的一個問題。首先 “Genesis” 這一個字,原文的意思並不是創世記,創世記是華人翻譯聖經時給它起的名字。Genesis 可以譯作「世代」或「世系 」。。。
According to the Gospel of John, Jesus is a one-of-a-kind Son to God the Father (John 1:14, 18; and 3:16, 18). This means their relationship is unique. What can we, as sons and daughters of the same Heavenly Father, albeit of a different kind, learn from that relationship?.... 根據約翰福音1:14, 18; 3:16, 18的記載,耶穌是父神獨一無二的兒子。這意味著祂們的關係是獨特的。我們跟耶穌同是天父的兒女,雖然類型不同,但我們可以從耶穌與父神的關係學到甚麼呢?。。。