挑戰是中英文事工的牧者分别離任,會眾頓失方向; 有團契組長病重,不得不退下來休養;亦有會眾因家庭需要、個人發展或升學而永久/暫時離開這裡,失落和鼻酸酸的感覺不斷地出現….
傳道書3:1「凡事都有定期 , 天下萬務都有定時。」其實以上的事都不是偶然的。
傳道書3:11上「神造萬物,各按其時成為美好 」繼續提醒我們,神按時使我們成為美好。即或失落即或鼻酸酸,這表明我們是有愛的群體。這份愛使弟兄姊妹願意繼續穩守事奉崗位,有弟兄姊妹願意行出第一步為教會出力,也有弟兄姊妹重回事奉團隊分享經驗; 我們還看見。。。
- 已退休的陳頌銘牧師和師母繼續為我們守望、禱告、付出關懷和提供指引;
- 年長而身體情況許可的仍堅持回到教會參予崇拜和活動,表達支持;
- 青年人參與粤語堂敬拜,兒童主日學,攝影,活動場地佈置及清場等事奉;
- 新團契小組的成立;
- 屬靈的兄姊帶領初信的弟妹成長;
- 孩子願意公開為教會禱告;
- 這一年的復活節,有期待已久的的嬰孩奉獻禮舉行!
The year 2023/2024 has been filled with both challenges and gratitude for CACC.
The challenges include the departure of both the Chinese and English pastors, leaving the congregation feeling lost; a fellowship leader falling seriously ill and needing to step down for rest; and members leaving permanently or temporarily due to family needs, personal development, or further studies. Feelings of loss and emotional heaviness have been constantly present.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us that “there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” In truth, none of the aforementioned events are coincidental.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 reminds us, “He has made everything beautiful in its time.” This continues to remind us that God makes all things beautiful in His time. Even in times of loss or emotional heaviness, it shows that we are a community filled with love. This love motivates brothers and sisters to remain faithful in their service, encourages others to take the first step in serving the church, and leads some to return to ministry teams to share their experiences. We have also witnessed:
- The retired Pastor Eddy Chan and his wife continue to watch over us, offering guidance, care, and prayer.
- Elderly members, as long as their health permits, continue to attend church to participate in worship and activities, showing their support.
- Young people serving in Cantonese worship, children’s Sunday school, photography, event venue setup and reinstatement.
- The formation of new fellowship groups.
- Spiritually mature brothers and sisters guiding new believers in their growth.
- Children willing to publicly pray for the church.
- The long-awaited baby dedication ceremony took place this Easter!!
These touching moments fill us with gratitude.
As the challenges continue, let us live out our faith, love others as ourselves, and embody the vision of CACC: Christ-centred, Missional, Intergenerational, Cross-cultural Church Family!
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Family Worship
When Esther was still in my womb for about 6 months, Eric whispered to her, presented to her the picture which was drawn on my belly using oil.
When Esther was about three years old, we started reciting bible verses; did rhyming movements, and played stickers with her every night until we had Rachel. Her arrival changed the pace of our life. After that, we started preparing for our emigration. Our lives were super busy since then and we stopped reciting bible verses with our children.
After the migration, I had to adjust my personal and family life. The adjustment included daily cooking, children’s education, social networking, working and serving the church. Time passed without our realization and Esther is now 10 years old. With children about to enter their adolescence, how do we maintain a good relationship with them while they are entering a new phase of their lives?
In a stable family life, I look forward to studying the bible with my children to foster a good relationship with the Lord. This is not easy. it is not easy for all of us to halt our work, stop doing things pleasing ourselves and devote our time to Lord. It takes time for children to learn Bible and the Biblical stories, pray, and share their thoughts. With day in and day out persistence, we will gradually achieve it. I am grateful that my children have gradually come to know how to search verses in the Bible, how to read the Bible, and get the meaning of God’s words. Thank you, Lord! Through biblical study, we can share with children about their growth, their ideas, and their challenges in faith. I believe the faith of Christianity can pass on to our children in this way.
(Translation by Fandy and Daniel)
李卓豪弟兄(Lambert Lee)、鄺鄭開芬姊妹(Sharon Kwong)及葉竣翔弟兄(Edwin Yip)三人自從去年十月會友大會得到會眾的信任,選舉成為中信堂首次的長老代表。以下是他們的分享,讓弟兄姐妹了解長老團隊的主要工作。
Lambert Lee, Sharon Kwong and Edwin Yip have gained the trust of the congregation and been elected as the first elder representatives of CACC since last October’s AGM. Brothers and sisters can understand the main work of the Elder Team from the following sharing.
在李俊傑傳道離職後,我主要是接過了大部份的行政工作,無論是安排外來講員與他們接觸,監察主日崇拜,在長執會議作主席,及與其他長老們一起禱告。這些都是我從來沒有一次全部要做的。我真的不知道我是否有能力勝任,因為我從來都不是一個有能力的人。當然我們基督徒的事奉,完全不是靠個人的能力而是聖靈的大能。然而這麽的一個重任,卻不其然使我內心感到一份壓力。但當在二月份的長執退修會時得知,我們紐宣總會的總幹事Ps Andrew Marshall 牧師答應了會與我們長執一起開會時,我便好像如釋重負一般!
我們現在與短期內的工作還有很多,最主要當然是物色合適的牧者以及成立長議會,去成為一個有效的團隊領袖架構! 當團隊成立以後,我們便可以朝着我們的願景進發。我這樣說不代表我們現在不是往這方向進發,只是航行的速度一定是減慢了。
After Pastor Derek left, I mainly took over most of the administrative works, whether it was arranging external speakers, overseeing Cantonese Service, serving as chairman of the Excom, and communicating with other elders, praying together. I never have to do all these at once. I don’t really know if I’m competent because I’ve never been a competent person. Of course, our Christian service does not depend at all on our abilities but the power of the Holy Spirit. However, such an important task naturally makes me feel a sense of pressure. But when I learned at the Excom retreat in February that Pastor Andrew Marshall, the National Director of the Alliance Churches of New Zealand, agreed to join our Excom and provide guidance, I felt relieved!
If we think of CACC family as a ship, the most important job of the three of us in the past six months was to stabilize ourselves in the storm!
We still have a lot of work to do now and in the short term. The most important thing is of course to find suitable pastors and establish a team to become an effective leadership structure! Once the team is formed, we can move toward our vision. I am not saying we are not heading in this direction, but the sailing speed must have slowed down.
特別是主日學,週四大家庭和星期五的查經班,由弟兄姊妹努力承擔和帶領, 另外祟拜部有主幹領袖們的繼續支持,還有各部門的事工付責人和團隊彼此配合,一起實踐聖經的教導:
“靠著他全身都連接得緊湊,百節各按各職,照著各體的功用彼此相助,使身體漸漸增長,在愛中建立自己。” 以弗所書4:16
今年FamilyLife 邀請Ken 和我為準備結婚的新人帶領婚前輔導課程,讓我們有機會得到裝備,可以好好在中信家服侍。
“所以,你們要去,使萬民作我的門徒,…凡我所吩咐你們的,都教導他們遵守。” (馬太福音28:19-20)
“那召你們的本是信實的,他必成就這事。” (帖撒羅尼迦前書5:26)
When I agreed to take on the position of Elder, I was full of excitement and expected to work with the pastors and other elders to form an effective team to serve brothers and sisters in the church. As the pastors left one after another, we had to take on the ministries the pastors used to do before we established a foothold as new Elder. For us, a group of new elders, we really have to rely on our God, such that we could step forward with confidence. I am very grateful that the leaders of various ministries are still serving faithfully in different positions in the church, and the brothers and sisters are willing to participate together.
Especially the Sunday school, Thursday’s Church Family and Friday’s Bible study classes are borne and led by the brothers and sisters. In addition, the worship department has the continued support of the backbone leaders, as well as the ministry leaders of each department. Cooperate with each other as a team and practice the teachings of the Bible together:
“From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” Ephesians 4:16 NIV
I began to cooperate with the visiting ministry, visiting sick and dying limbs, and had the opportunity to assist with funeral arrangements for the first time. This was a scope of service that I had never thought I could serve in before. This gave me a great opportunity to learn the lesson of comforting limbs! In fact, during the conversation, I was even more moved and inspired by the faith of the brothers and sisters!
This year, FamilyLife invited Ken and I to lead pre-marriage counseling courses for couples preparing to get married, giving us the opportunity to be equipped to serve well in the CITIC family.
God has brought many new friends and families to the Thursday Church Family. The harvest field of the gospel is among us! We held an “enlightenment course”, and the number of participants was far beyond our imagination, including seekers and new believers. This is God’s miraculous work manifesting Himself among us.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
(Matthew 28:19-20 NIV)
In order for brothers and sisters of Choi to equip themselves and respond to the call of the Lord Jesus, we have arranged the “Deliberate Discipleship” course to train disciple leaders on how to preach the gospel, cultivate new believers, cultivate mature disciples, and continue to pass it on.
The future of the church may be unclear to brothers and sisters. They may think that we are in a foggy situation, or that our ship is facing the impact of big waves in wind and waves, but we have the assurance of the Holy Spirit. Our God is in control, the Almighty who steers the storm.
“The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.” (1 Thessalonians 5:24 NIV)
My focus is the English congregation, while being aware of what is happening across the whole church.
Various tasks include:
- Planning ahead in inviting different speakers to preach
- Meeting with some of the guest speakers to connect with them
- Ensuring sunday service runs smoothly by ironing out any inconsistencies, considering changes for improvement, and being aware of the weekly announcements
- Leading holy communion
- I have had the opportunity to preach twice
- Attending monthly church leadership meeting
- Preparing the monthly ”Come and Pray”
- Meeting up with my fellow elders for prayers and discussions
- Meeting up with the various English ministry leaders individually and together as a committee
- Addressing any issues that need the attention of the Elders such as special baptism, theological queries, and disciplinary actions.
- Be a part of the Pastoral Recruitment Committee and the Nominating Committee
- Seeking God’s will!
The frequency of meetings per month can vary. The list above is not exhaustive and certainly it can feel daunting and overwhelming at times. I am grateful for the support of Lambert and Sharon, and the prayers of many of you in the background.
我的着重點是英語會眾,同時了解整個教會正在發生的事情。 我的任務包括:
- 事先規劃邀請不同的講員,與他們會面並建立聯繫
- 了解每週報告並思考需要改進的地方,確保週日崇拜順利進行
- 帶領聖餐
- 我有兩次講道的機會
- 參加每月一次的教會長執會
- 準備每個月的「齊來禱告」
- 與其他長老會面、禱告和討論
- 與各英語事工領袖會面
- 解決任何需要長老注意的問題,例如特殊洗禮、神學疑問和紀律處分。
- 成為聘牧委員會和提名委員會的成員
- 尋求神的旨意!
每月會議的頻率可能有所不同。上面所列的並不詳盡,當然有時會讓人感到害怕和不知所措。我感謝Lambert 及 Sharon的支持,以及背後許多人的禱告。
Victor Shum
Our goal as a ministry is to inspire congregate members to have prayer a priority in their life. For this current season, we are running Sunday morning prayer and monthly Stay & Pray. A big change for this year has been having more collaboration with other ministries as this was done by inviting different ministry leaders monthly to Sunday morning prayer to share and pray on what’s currently happening in their ministry. Our structure for monthly Stay & Pray was stayed the same and we have adapted some changes to the Sunday morning prayer. Our new monthly structure for Sunday morning prayer is typically:
- Lead by a prayer core team member – Twice a month
- Open Prayer – Once a month
- Sharing by other ministry leaders – Once a month
The open prayer session has been good as it has provided opportunities of intercessory prayer to not only pray for each other but also for our church.
For the coming year, we are looking at some future changes to the roster and to grow our team.
我們事工的目標是激勵會眾將禱告視為生活中的優先。在這個季節裡,我們舉辦主日早晨的禱告會和每月的「留步禱告」(Stay and Pray)。今年一個重大變化是與其他事工的更多合作,通過每月邀請不同事工領袖參加主日早晨的禱告會來分享並為他們的事工現況禱告。我們每月的「留步禱告」( Stay and Pray) 結構保持不變,但我們對主日早晨的禱告會做了一些調整。我們新的每月主日早晨禱告結構通常如下:
- 由禱告核心團隊成員帶領——每月兩次
- 開放禱告——每月一次
- 其他事工領袖分享——每月一次
Gabrielle Ip
We are continuing to care for our church and pray for our leaders as we are going through much change this year.
The English Congregation is continuing to grow with young families joining and we have created a space in the congregation to cater for them. We have also had an additional 3 new greeters join the welcome team which has brought an inviting atmosphere in pairs.
The breakfast team is a key part to welcoming newcomers and the speakers on Sunday mornings. The team also provides nutritious meals to energise our servers and has been warmly appreciated by many.
We look forward to catering for young families and also caring within the church while we are in a season of waiting and building a stronger connection with speakers.
Lastly with the season of waiting, may we continue to pray for unity and compassion for those that are facing physical, emotional and spiritual challenges. Let us lift these to God to provide us strength and peace.
隨著年輕家庭的加入,英語會眾不斷發展壯大,我們在崇拜的地方預留了一小空間給他們。我們也新增了 3 位新迎賓員加入迎賓團隊,加強了溫馨的氛圍。
(由Fandy Au and Daniel Chan 翻譯)
Esmond Leung
The panel team has been going well with some personnel changes. Sarah Lowe has left us, but we welcome Kevin Chiu as a new member to the team. This year we have paired up two newer members of the team more, and they are in charge of handling all the duties of the panel for Sunday worship. An older member is assigned on standby for those weeks and they are only there to assist when required. We are still learning to utilize the new presentation tool.
We’ve had a good year with the Worship Team. We’ve seen Victoria join us on keys and some familiar faces take on different roles, which has been exciting.
This year, we’ve focused on helping each other grow in leading worship. We’ve started a buddy system where each week, a worship band member takes charge of arranging part of the set, with one of the worship leaders (currently Christine, Caleb, Mike, and Dan) as their mentor. This way, everyone gets a chance to learn how to lead worship.
A big goal for us has always been to keep our worship Spirit-led and to strengthen our unity as a team. To do this, each band member is committed to attending worship workshops once every two months. These workshops not only help us upskill, but also give us precious time to worship together as a team.
Please continue to pray that our team can bring the congregation to meet God in a more intimate way.
雖然小組團隊的組員有所變動,但各方面進展良好。 Sarah Lowe 離開了我們,但我們歡迎 Kevin Chiu 成為團隊的新成員。今年我們在團隊中組合了兩位較新的成員,他們負責主日崇拜小組所有的職責。我們指派了一名較資深的成員在那幾週內待命,只在有需要時提供幫助。另一方面,我們仍在學習使用新的簡報工具。
今年,我們專注於幫助帶領敬拜方面的成長。我們開始了一個夥伴機制,每週都有一位敬拜樂隊成員負責安排崇拜的其中一部份,敬拜領袖其中一位(目前是Christine, Caleb, Mike, and Dan)會成為他們的導師。這樣,每個人都有機會學習如何帶領敬拜。
(由Fandy Au and Daniel Chan 翻譯)
Caleb Liu
This year in Equip was one of change as we transitioned into offering an Equip class catered to an age range from college-age youths to young adults from March 2024. Although the transition was initiated as a response to having a limited number of teachers / helpers, it had the additional benefit of giving us a space to live out the intergenerational aspect of our church mission as it puts people of different age ranges together.
The sessions were once again delivered by Sidney and I as we taught from the series ‘Rooted’ that covered the book of Genesis. Some of the highlights of this year include:
- Seeing the young adults respond to the challenge of supporting the youths through understanding the Bible and sharing their life experiences
- Seeing the youths respond in kind and being open to engaging with the young adults
- Both groups being patient and willing to come along on this journey as Sidney and I experimented with adapting the content and delivery style to make sure it is catered to all.
We hope that we are able to continue connecting believers with the word of God in the coming years.
這些課程仍然由Sidney和我來教授,我們教導的內容來自《Rooted (紮根)》系列,涵蓋了《創世記》的教導。今年的一些亮點包括:
- 看到年輕成人回應挑戰,通過理解聖經並分享他們的生活經歷來支持青少年。
- 看到青少年也積極回應,願意與年輕成人互動交流。
- 兩組人都展現了耐心和願意一同前行,當Sidney和我嘗試調整內容和授課方式時,確保這些內容適合所有人。
Sidney Leong
Members: 40 – 45
Connect 4 represents all of our English Ministry Fellowship Groups that meet on Friday nights at church. It encompasses four groups: TFG, PassionFruits, FlaminGO!, and Youth Fellowship. The theme of “Connect” is central to our mission—to foster connections among ourselves, across generations, between cultures, within the church, and ultimately with God.
This year, we’ve made strides in nurturing intergenerational relationships, particularly between our young adults and youth, through our Boys and Girls Nights. These gatherings have provided valuable opportunities for us to bond as brothers and sisters in Christ, enjoying fellowship and fun together.
As our church navigates a season of waiting, we’ve focused on two key themes to guide our discussions and reflections: Waiting and Walking in Step with the Holy Spirit. These two core truths have helped us align with our focus and purpose in this current season.
Looking ahead, we’re also beginning to consider the future. With the growth of young families in our congregation, we’re exploring ways to adapt our fellowship structure to accommodate everyone’s needs, ensuring that all can gather without needing to be locked into Friday evenings. We eagerly anticipate what God has in store for us in the coming year!
Connect 4 代表了我們所有的英文事工團契小組,這些小組每週五晚上在教會聚會。它涵蓋了四個小組:TFG、PassionFruits、FlaminGO!和青少年團契。我們使命的核心是「連結」—— 促進我們彼此之間跨代、跨文化地在教會內部連結,並最終與神連結。
隨著我們教會進入等待的季節,我們專注於兩個核心主題來指導我們的討論和反思:Waiting (等待),以及Walking in Step with the Holy Spirit ( 與聖靈同行的步伐)。這兩個核心真理幫助我們在這個季節中與我們的焦點和目的保持一致。
Edmond Leung
The past year has been good with a couple of people leaving the group due to different life changes. Despite quite a few lifestyle changes in the group, TFG attendance has remained pretty stable. Wesley has stepped down as a co-leader of TFG and Esmond has stepped up as his replacement to serve alongside Deborah.
We have given opportunities for every member to grow, by leading a session about a Bible character that they are inspired by, to the rest of the group, which happens once a month.
The group has continued sharing their highs and lows about their week to keep everyone updated on what’s been going on with their lives and there is an upcoming TFG weekend trip in August where we can grow closer to each other and enjoy each other’s company.
This year is a challenging year for CACC so our topics are focused more around the season of waiting and us practicing different spiritual disciplines together.
Tony and Christine
This past year has been a season of growth and connection for PassionFruits. In March, we farewelled Billy and Elaine, who left New Zealand to experience more exciting adventures in Vancouver.
Our weekly gatherings have been enriched with topical discussions that sparked meaningful, spiritual conversations with the members. We’ve also taken the time to share about our daily lives, offering support and encouragement to one another.
We’ve also held a few worship and prayer nights, creating a space where we can practice worshipping in a more intimate and personal setting. These evenings have helped us draw nearer to God and each other.
As the leaders of Passionfruits, we’re filled with gratitude for the ways God has been at work in our midst. We look forward to continuing this journey with our members together and look forward to hearing and sharing more tangible examples of how God has acted in our lives.
FlaminGO! is a group of young adults who meet every Friday. Our group is named after the spiritual fire of God and our desire to go(!) share His love.
Over the past year we have gone through ups and downs together, including our group membership decreasing in size. However, we praise God that we have been able to continue to support each other and grow together as a close group of brothers and sisters in Christ.
We have developed our faith journey and deepened our Biblical knowledge through:
- different topics led by each of our members
- discussions based on the Sunday sermons and reflection on how we related to the message
- watching The Chosen, a show based on Jesus’ life, and unpacking how the Disciples lived and related to Jesus
Things we would appreciate prayers for are discernment of God’s will for the future of Flamingos, and perseverance in our spiritual habits and faith journey.
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. (1 Corinthians 9:24 NIV)
Michael Lowe, James Daniel
The Youth Fellowship meet on a Friday night from 7:30-9:30pm. The focus of these meetings is to build the spiritual disciplines of highschool and university students at CACC. This includes worship, prayer, and biblical teachings around the foundations of faith. Alongside these sessions, we try to include other events that aim to deepen the personal relationship that the youths have with Jesus Christ and with one another. This includes worship nights, Christian events and social nights.
A few changes have occurred this year as we have had a change of leadership with Jonathan Chow resigning. In response to this, James Daniel has taken up co-leadership with Michael Lowe to continue building the youth in their Christian walk. James has been a good addition to the Youth leadership and provides a great perspective to share with the Youth. We are still looking for a female leader to help lead the Youth, so please keep praying that someone volunteers to serve in this area.
We have also encouraged the Youth to participate in EQUIP which happens after the English Service on Sunday mornings. There has been a consistent attendance by the Youth and helps facilitate intergenerational connections in CACC.
Sharon Kwong
迎新隊在二月為 5 個家庭舉辦了午餐迎新會,他們已經在中信堂安頓下來,其中一些家庭已加入了小組,也有參加Alpha課程的,並且與中信大家庭建立了關係。在過去的 6 個月裡,我們還有另外 7 位新人定期參加我們的教會,其中一些是非信徒。我們希望他們能在中信堂找到上帝。
Welcome Team hosted a lunch in February for 5 families and they have settled well at CACC. Some of them either joined a cell group or Alpha course and had already connected with CACC church family. We have had another 7 newcomers attending our church on a regular basis in the last 6 months and some were non believers. We hope that they will find God here at CACC.
We pray that God will continue to draw more people to Him through our church community.
週會內容: 禱告、訊息分享、詩歌、專題講座、福音粵曲、查經、健康資訊、彼此關懷、分組分享、福音見證影片、節日和生日會、運動、益智、遊戲、旅行等。
「神啊! 我到年老發白的時候,求你不要離棄我!
Julia Lee (小組聯絡)
從2024年1月開始,小組使用Wordgo Bible Study App (Wordgo聖經學習應用程式) 研讀聖經,到今年12月底會研讀多卷聖經 — 包括所羅門的禱告 (列王紀上3章)、種子和土壤 (馬太福音13章) 、雅各書、帖撒羅尼迦前、後書和哥林多前書。查經時間是每月第一和第二個週四晚上7:45-8:30在Zoom,組員先自己看經文,回答一些App上提供的問題,查經時彼此分享,之後再聽App上的錄音講課和經文分析筆記,可以更深入明白聖經和思考如何讓真理改變我們的生命,活得更像耶穌。
每月第三個週六是家庭聚會,組員在接待家庭相聚,彼此分享本月查經的得著和生活上面對的難處,彼此鼓勵和代禱 ,之後共享豐盛的愛筵。
Ben Cheng
Stephen and Irene Liu
Patrick Peh
With God’s blessing, in about 2 years Peace Fellowship has expanded with more matured members. All the members agreed that we should invite more brothers and sisters who are either new to the church or new believers to join us. With this in mind, Peace Fellowship split into 3 groups, with Shirley Tsang and Daniel Choi leading 2 other cell groups separately.
Peace 5.0 have 9 members: new members Eric and Sally, Josephine, Amy; other members include Sharon, Ken, Agnes, Claire and me.
With the above composition, we agreed to study the Book of Genesis this year.
Bible study is the group’s key focus, while prayer, caring and fellowship is what we do to support each other. We are looking to knit closer relationship with each other and grow our spiritual life and be able to reach out more people together.
在神的祝福下,在大約兩年的時間裡,和平組已經再擴大了,擁有了更多成熟的成員。 所有組員都同意,我們應該邀請並吸納更多新加入教會的弟兄姊妹或初信者參加小組。考慮到這一點,和平組衍生為3個小組,Shirley Tsang 和Daniel Choi分別領導另外 2 個小組。
和平新組有9名成員:新成員包括Eric and Sally, Josephine, Amy; 其他成員有Sharon, Ken, Agnes, Claire 和我。
一年又過去了,信實組一直彼此同心研讀聖經,繼去年創世紀後今年開始查馬太福音, 由查考舊約第一卷書到新約的第一卷書,由耶和華的創造到耶穌基督的救贖。由不同的弟兄姊妹帶領小組去研讀每一章經文,以不同的方式,不同的方向去認識神的話,令大家獲益良多。
自疫情以來,小組減少了出外聚餐。但很感恩,今年我們一眾弟兄姊妹在查經前為小组準備午餐, 讓大家能吃得健康之餘也改善了查經的時間和進度,此外亦增加了小組活動,讓大家能多分享家裡的事,彼此代禱和感恩,又透過遊戲建立更親密關係。
而信實二代亦加入了敬拜隊,用音樂跨代跨文化地為中文崇拜事工出一分力, 一起努力將榮耀歸於天上的父神。
小組的特色:成人小組 (40歲以上)
1. 我們的聚會在每個月第四個星期天下午兩點舉行,以查考聖經為主要內容。今年我們選用了查經書 《 合神心意的見證》來配合我們的年度同心目標。
2. 每個家庭輪流在書中選擇一篇主題,然後預備及帶領組員硏讀文章及聖經經文,並分享毎日靈修之得着。
3. 我們也會傾訴各自生活點滴,互相勉勵,支持及禱告。
團訓:哥林多前書 15:58
團歌: 求主用我
*我們這一團 – 彼此扶持走天路,相依為命到天家。
Richard Leung, 每月第四個星期日在教會聚會
Our cell group membership is unchanged from last year (except everyone has aged by a year). We have 5 families: Vivian/Richard; Kitty/Ben; Bernie/Billy; Michelle/John; and Sarah/Fred. In total, we have 10 adults and 10 kids.
This year, after finishing the book “The Good And Beautiful God” we chose to study the book of Ephesians, and explore the theme of unity, which our cell group is named after. We decided to study one chapter at a time, so we can slowly appreciate the message that Paul gave to the church in Ephesus. But before we savour God’s Word, we always take some time to savour some Chinese takeaways together after Sunday Service. It‘s great to have so much space in the side hall for us to us (one half for the adults and the other half for the kids).
Last summer, we took advantage of the sunny weather and organised a couple of outings – Rangitoto Island and Duder Regional Park. The kids are at an age where they can do some physical activities while still wanting to hang out with their parents. Those outings feel so long ago, and we can’t wait for some warmer weather to explore God’s creation.
我們的小組成員與去年相同(除了大家都年長了一歲)。我們有5個家庭:Vivian/Richard、Kitty/Ben、Bernie/Billy、Michelle/John 和 Sarah/Fred。總共有10位成人和10個孩子。
今年,在讀完 “The Good And Beautiful God”(良善而美好的神)這本書後,我們選擇研讀《以弗所書》,並探索團結這個主題,這也是我們小組名字的來源。我們決定每次研讀一章,以便慢慢領會保羅給以弗所教會的信息。但在品味神的話語之前,我們總會先在主日崇拜後一起享用一些中式外賣。感謝神,我們有足夠的空間在教會旁邊的禮堂活動(成人一半,孩子們另一半)。
去年夏天,我們藉着晴朗的天氣,組織了幾次外出活動——包括Rangitoto Island 和Duder Regional Park,正正合適孩子們需要消耗體力又想和父母一起玩耍的年齡。那些郊遊活動似乎已經是很久以前的事了,我們迫不及待地期待著更溫暖的天氣,去探索神奇妙的創造。
吳君賢姊妹(Ella Ng)
Daniel Choi, Robert Cheung
The Faith, Hope and Love Group was spawned from the former Peace Group. This year we started gathering on Sundays or Saturdays at brothers and sisters’ homes.
This year, we studied the Bible together, actively participated in the church’s prayer meetings, and studied discipleship training. New member has joined this group. In just a few months, our group members have become more thirstier for God’s word and actively discuss and share their personal experiences and application of scriptures. The atmosphere is so lively that three hours is often not enough for a group meeting. And thanks to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, whenever we discuss the fellowship of believers, brothers and sisters are willing to watch each other according to God’s will. We implement brothers’ prayer partner groups and sisters’ prayer partner groups, where three or four people meet in groups or pray together online every week.
Our group is not only about Bible study, but also focuses on group interaction, sharing with each other, and practicing the Bible teachings, so it is considered a fellowship. God’s word and the Holy Spirit lead us, each of us has a life change, humble ourselves, remind each other, and not just learn head knowledge. But we have learned that everyone can grow and become a disciple of the Lord. In the future, may we be able to continue to multiply and practice the great commission entrusted by the Lord Jesus, instead of staying together and being content with it.
Alan Kwan
Shirley Tsang
Our fellowship has just reached one year anniversary, however, only recently we decided on our name as Canaan Fellowship.
We have 4 members when we first started. One has recently dropped out due to personal circumstances. At the moment we have Eric and Vicky Law and Shirley Tsang within the group.
Our fellowship gathers every fortnightly. Each time we study a passage from the Bible, try to understand God’s attributes and the truth behind the passage. We gather what we have learnt and try to apply the truth into our daily lives.
We enjoyed our intimate sharing and praying for each other earnestly.
To conclude, Canaan Fellowship is a small, intimate family group, using God’s word as foundation to encourage and support each other; to depend on God through prayers and maintain a close relationship with Him in all aspect.
Jesus answered, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6)
我們的小組剛剛滿了一周年,但直到最近我們才決定命名為迦南組。起初我們有四位成員,最近有一位由於個人原因退出了。目前,我們小組有Eric和Vicky Law 以及Shirley Tsang。
Connie Lam & Rebecca Lau
「週四大家庭」是一個學習聖經及明白神話語的美好團契,每週以小組形式一起研究和討論聖經,每次聚會,約有10至17位弟兄姊妹,大家很親切地交談,彼此分享與互相學習,因此更易於研習經文,我們都很開懷地提出各自對經文的領受,分析後達成一致結論。今年我們採用《明道研經叢書系列之路得記及腓立比書》, 此系列附有研習本與答案, 有助我們查考。查經結束後, 我們會一起做午餐,學習祈禱,彼此相交。我們相信三一真神 聖父聖子聖靈, 藉著耶穌受死復活,叫我們歸信於衪,藉衪的名得永生。
「週四大家庭」在一年中還會安排數次郊遊野餐, 一起走進大自然,在美景陽光及新鮮空氣中,享受神的創造,大家都很享受。歡迎其他肢體加入我們的大家庭!
撰文: David Szeto
開組時間: 每週四教會10:00am-13:00pm
Rebecca Lau
DBS小組一直以Discovery Bible Study方法去研習聖經, 素材會在網上選擇, 今年我們己完成《誰是耶穌》, 並已進入Discovering discipleship, 雖然小組只有3人, 但人數不多卻更叫我們大家彼此進深認識, 此小組在去年6月成立, 以Zoom網上開組演變到相約外出共進午膳, 更會走進姊妹家中實體面見開組, 雖然我們有著不同的成長背景, 孩子年齡亦各不相同, 但無論在研討聖經及或分享生活體驗上均叫我們從中互助成長, 在查考聖組時儘管開懷地分享, 主總會在我們當中, 賜下智慧, 擦亮我們的眼睛, 叫各人都得益處。若您仍未入小組, 歡迎您加入我們。
開組時間: 每2星期一次, 週三20:30-22:30 Zoom
Sharon Kwong
In February this year, we hosted a seminar on promoting mental health of young people. It was a pleasure to have our own member Dr Melanie Wong to be our speaker and supporter of our cause. There were about 40 participants attending the event. Due to our limited resources we were not able to arrange much follow up action.
Our goal is using social events as a means for outreach. We hope that our activities in 2025 will appeal and meet the needs of our local community.
今年2月健樂坊舉辦了一個促進青少年心理健康的講座,我們很高興有中信堂的會友Melanie Wong 博士作為我們的講員和事工的支持者。這次大約有40名參加者出席這項活動,因資源的限制,我們未能作進一步的跟進。
我們的目標是使用社區活動來作為外展的渠道,希望在 2025 年我們能夠舉辦一些吸引和切合社區需求的活動。
聯絡人:Julia Lee
時間:逢星期三10至12時 (學校假期休息)
Time: Every Wednesday 10am – 12 noon (Term time only)
Through word of mouth, quite a number of people came to try out HBH. Some enjoyed the activities and continued to come while others were not so keen to participate.
The “Brain Friends” who continued to come have developed a strong friendship with each other through exercising, playing group games and board games. Most of them have a healthy brain while only a few have mild to moderate dementia. However, socialising is a key factor in maintaining brain health and every week HBH provides them the chance to meet with their friends.
In the past year, HBH volunteers and “Brain Friends” have experienced a lot of pain in life, including injuries, neurological problems affecting mobility, worsening of dementia, and even one of our Brain Friends had rested with the Lord. However, we have experienced the fullness of God’s grace and blessings. We walked alongside one another, supporting, encouraging and praying for each other. That’s how we see ourselves as volunteers participating in this hub.
Thank God that a few participants are joining Noah Fellowship and Bible study as a result of participating in HBH. Pray that God will lead and guide them to receive Jesus as their Saviour.
繼續出席的「腦友記」,透過做運動、玩集體遊戲和桌遊,彼此建立了深厚的友誼。只有少數的「腦友記」患有輕微至中度的腦退化症,其他大多數都有健全的腦袋。然而,社交活動是維持大腦健康的關鍵因素,而 HBH 每週就提供一個場合讓他們能相聚。
感謝神,一些「腦友記」因參加 HBH 而加入了挪亞團契和查經班。求神帶領引導他們接受耶穌為他們的救主。
Thank Lord for the blessing! He gives us a precious inheritance by starting a new generation. Since Ellianna was born in April last year, Johann followed in October, and again followed by Harper in July this year. This evidenced continuance of Lord’s grace. With hope and joy, we began preparing “family corners” for these families so that they could worship the Lord while entering a new stage.
As children grow older, they need more space to move around. In addition to preparing places for their needs, the church will also share and contemplate with these families the direction of worship. We seek the Lord’s guidance in creating a caring environment suitable for infants, young children and their families.
我們確立,事奉對象由原來0-8歲的兒童,擴展至0-12歲,即是將原來的初少事工Up & Grow納入兒童事工的一部份。
The idea of reorganizing the children’s ministry began at the beginning of the year. After the pastors, elders and leaders of children’s ministry explored the Lord’s will, the restructuring then started.
In the children ministry workshop/sharing session in March, workers came to know each other. Their duties and roles were clarified, and teamwork established. The church’s ideas on children’s ministry restructuring were shared and the responses to the proposal were collected.
We have established that the children in our ministry would shift from the age 0-8 to 0-12 years old, which means the junior service “Up & Grow “would become part of the children’s ministry.
- Little Lambs:對象為4歲或以下孩子 (Preschool)
- Gospel Kids:對象為4-8歲孩子 (Year 0 至 Year 4)
- Up & Grow:對象為9-12歲孩子 (Year 5 至 Year 8)
Consequently, there would be three age/level groups in children’s ministry:
- Little Lambs: For children 4 years old or younger (Preschool)
- Gospel Kids: Serving children aged 4-8 (Year 0 to Year 4)
- Up & Grow: Serving children aged 9-12 (Year 5 to Year 8)
- 重組原因
從過往的經驗及近年參與教會的家庭來看,雖然Up & Grow是初少事工,但他們的牧養需要其實與Gospel Kids也有相似之處。考慮這兩組的崇拜流程及安排比較相近,將Up & Grow納入兒童事工似乎更有助其發展及對兒童適應升班更有幫助。
- 重組細節
在崇拜的信息方面,我們一直使用The Gospel Story Bible的課程,讓孩子認識神話語的同時亦能明白福音。所以,在兒童事工重組時,我們除了將兩組的課程同步安排外,還考慮兩組的年齡間距,將信仰課程由3年修改為4年,來深化孩子在不同成長階段的信仰學習,認識福音,確立基督信仰。
A. Reasons for restructuring
Judging from past experience and the needs of families who have joined the church in recent years, “Up & Grow” though is a junior ministry, their needs are actually similar to Gospel Kids. Considering the similarity of the worship processes and arrangements of the two groups, merging “Up & Grow” into the children’s ministry seems to be more beneficial to its development and more helpful for children in their transition.
B. Restructuring details
With regards to worship, we have been using the course lesson of “The Gospel Story Bible” so the children can understand God’s words while also understand the gospel. When reorganizing the children’s ministry, we arrange the lessons of the two groups proceed side by side. In consideration of the age gap between the two groups, we change the length of course from 3 years to 4 years with a view to deepen children’s faith in Christianity and understand the gospel better in the different stages of growth.
當孩子踏入前青少年期,期待學習獨立思考,在各方面發展個人想法。所以,在Up & Grow的牧養上,我們引入小組模式,讓他們在電子產品盛行的年代,學習與人溝通,與人面對面表達自己。透過小組導師對不同聖經主題的引導和分享,幫助孩子認識自己和別人,在信仰群體中互相守望和建立,深化他們對基督信仰的理解和生活實踐,並回應成長的挑戰。
Introduction of group model
When children enter their early teenage, they are to learn thinking independently and develop their own personal ideas. In the service for “Up & Grow”, we introduce a group model so that they can learn communicating with each other and express themselves face-to-face in the time when electronic products are so prevalent. Through sharing various biblical themes as guided by tutors, we help children understand themselves and others. They will be watchful and build each other up in our community; have better understanding of Christianity and put words in practice to meet the challenges in their growth.
In addition, we hope to respond to their various needs in spiritual life, especially to build up their relationship with God and other members of the church. We hope to increase their sense of belonging to the church and continue to grow and serve in the church when they have grown up.
Learn to offering
Starting from the first Sunday in July, a time of offering will be added to children’s worship, allowing children to practise what they have learned. Everything belongs to God. As stewards of God’s wealth, we respond to the Lord’s grace by offering money. Let children understand they can build up the church through giving.
為了讓孩子在教會建立更多美好回憶,於去年堂慶開始,我們都每季為Little Lamb 及Gospel Kids的孩子安排一次生日會。由今年開始,在Up & Grow亦開始安排生日會,讓孩子一起歡聚,唱生日歌、玩遊戲和食蛋糕,慶祝生日。
With a view to give children more notable memory in the church, we have arranged a birthday party for the children of Little Lamb and Gospel Kids every quarter since last year’s church anniversary. Starting this year, Up & Grow will also have birthday parties so that children can get together to sing birthday songs, play games and have cakes to celebrate their birthdays.
As to other activities, we hope to continue the themed Bible classes and organize children choir so that all children can all join together.
Albert, Amy, Ashlyn, Beatrix, Belicia, Ben, Bernie, Bethany, Billy, Bosco, Caroline, Cathernine, Daniel, Elaine C, Elaine G, Elaine L, Erika, Ian, Joey, Julianna, Katie, Lily, Maggie, Michelle, Ming, Simonie, Chels, Eric, Jenny, Josh, Jovita, Julia, Kitty, Tommy, Tracy, Reann, Richard, Vivian, Wendy, Winds, 英英, 林太, 潔瑩
撰稿:張巧茵姊妹, 馬少美傳道
Written by: Michelle Cheung, Pastor Abby Ma
(Translated by Fandy Au and Daniel Chan)
麥藹謙弟兄 Ben Mak
We had engaged services of architect and engineer to design the ventilation system upgrade, and then obtained project quotes from supplier and contractor. Because the final design was of higher specifications than the contractor’s initial estimate, the quotation significantly exceeded the budget approved last year. In addition, the Council had declined the application for building consent exemption due to the building use and the occupancy, which will further increase the total cost of the project.
After discussion, the executive committee believes that currently the church is not suitable to use more than the original approved budget for this project, so the Lobby and Main Hall parts will be temporarily shelved; however, considering that the Library and Function Room do not have natural air cross-flow, therefore that part of work will still go ahead.
In addition, the three Portacom classrooms in the rear parking lot will be repaired and renovated to alleviate the space demand on Sundays. We will first evaluate the utilization rate before deciding whether to renovate all three classrooms.
Thank God for granting CACC Family a healthy growth; but at the same time, the use of space and facilities has also increased. Hope everyone can cooperate with each other and take good care of the church facilities.
麥藹謙弟兄 Ben Mak
The new extension building project is paused but not abandoned. We are in faith that God will resume the project at a suitable timeframe. May we all continue to support the project through prayers and offerings.
Ronnie Tong
這一年網站的維護工作主要是更新每週講道内容及教會消息。感謝Tommy Yu 弟兄的技術支援。
- 讓每月「齊來禱告」的禱告事項能以二維碼形式顯示,解決了投影片及宣傳物料有限版面的難題。
- 活動宣傳加相關鏈接,讓互動更直接。
如果弟兄姊妹對網站有任何意見或想法,歡迎 聯繫我們。
This year, the website maintenance primarily focused on updating the weekly sermon content and church announcements. Thanks to Tommy Yu for his technical support.
The original intention behind the website redesign was to make it easier for visitors to find the necessary information about CACC, improve the browsing experience, and ensure that the website’s content could be more easily managed and updated to maintain the timeliness of information. Gradually, the website also began to provide a supporting platform for internal church communication, such as:
- Displaying the monthly “Come & Pray” prayer items in the form of a QR code, solving the issue of limited space on powerpoint slides and promotional materials.
- Publishing event promotions with relevant links, making interactions more direct.
If any brothers and sisters have any comments or ideas about the website, please feel free to contact us.
我們想藉此機會感謝所有在過去一年參與促進CACC 跨文化願景的弟兄姊妹。如果你有興趣成為團隊的一部分,請聯繫我們。
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the brothers and sisters who have contributed to advancing CACC’s cross-cultural vision over the past year. If you are interested in becoming part of the team, please contact us.
Interpreters: Joyce Leung, Julia Lee, Lambert Lee, Stephen Tsang
Translators: Anna Tam, Candice Choi, Daniel Choi, Daniel Chan, Fandy Au, Felix Lee, Julia Lee, Kathy Lao, Lewis Chow, Michelle Cheung
Tommy Lee
我們團隊中有成人和青少年,在不同生活背景,不同年齡層,語言的差異情況下 一起事奉上帝,在基督裏相處,學習接納別人的不同, 學習一起成長, 實踐中信家的願景。
We thank our Heavenly Father for the brothers and sisters who are eager to participate in various church activities and are devoted to serving through photography.
In our team, there are both adults and youth, from different walks of life, age groups, and languages, yet together we serve God, learning to live in unity in Christ. We are learning to accept one another’s differences, grow together, and practise the vision of CACC as one family.
Our hope is to capture every precious moment of our CACC family, so that in the days to come, we may have cherished photos to remember God’s grace over the years, encouraging us to press on faithfully toward the path of the Kingdom.
攝影隊 Photography Team:
Tommy Lee, Daniel Choi, Sherman Ng, Esmond Lee, William Koo, Erika Fong, Beatrix Chau, Katie Leung, Sam Ho
Ronnie Tong
感謝年青人為我們預備了母親節及父親節的特别拍照佈景版連道具,為主日增添了活潑的節日喜樂元素,英語堂Equip群體為母親節製作小禮物,促進跨代團契, 還有中秋節「基督裏團圓」聚餐的籌辦,營造了一個感恩和歡樂的氛圍,今年的全教會運動日更會移師到一個新場地舉行,跨代同樂!
Activities are an important part of internal communication within the church, regardless of whether they have a direct connection to faith. They provide opportunities for interaction, fellowship, and shared experiences, helping to strengthen communication and deepen relationships.
We thank the young people for preparing special Mother’s and Father’s Day photo booths with props, adding a vibrant and joyful element to our Sunday services. The Equip group, now with young adults and teenagers, made small gifts for Mother’s Day, fostering intergenerational fellowship. Additionally, the Mid-Autumn “Reunion in Christ” lunch created an atmosphere of gratitude and joy. This year’s church-wide Sports Day will be held at a new venue, offering intergenerational fun for all!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the team behind the scenes:
拍照佈景版設計及製作 Photo booth design & production:
Erica Fong, Simonie Lam, Katie Leung, Reann Chan & family, Esmond Lee, Duncan Kwan, Amy Sung & family, Kenneth Kwong
攝影團隊 Photography Team:
Tommy Lee, Daniel Choi, Sherman Ng, Esmond Lee, William Koo, Erika Fong, Beatrix Chau, Katie Leung, Sam Ho
活動籌辦 Activity Organizer:
「基督裏團圓」聚餐 “Reunion in Christ” Lunch – 信實組
「中信家運動日」 Sports Day 2024 – Ben Mak, Elim Chan, Esmond Leung, Daniel Lowe, Tony Feng, Gabby Ip
食物安排及其他 Catering & Others:
There were too many brothers and sisters participating, so we were unable to record everyone.
Stephen Tsang, Penelope Lee
Our Father in Heaven is a God for missions.
Before His ascension, the Lord Jesus gave us the Great Commission. He sent His disciples to preach the gospel throughout the world, and made disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to know and obey the truth, and to undertake and pass on this sacred mission.
From October 2023 to August 2024, it was a year full of grace and challenges for CACC. First of all, we would like to thank our brothers and sisters for their commitment to serve and support each other. Thank you for your prayers and continued support, especially during the period when the church is growing in numbers and the ministry is thriving, and we are deeply grateful to our Heavenly Father for making CACC a church that He delights.
We are thankful for the Lord’s abundant provision, which has given us many opportunities to preach the gospel and practise the teaching to love your neighbour as yourself.
Sidewalk Evangelism: Sidewalk Evangelism is conducted on the first Saturday of each month in the East, South, and Western Suburbs, as well as Stanmore Bay on the North Shore.
EE conducted nine “Sidewalk Evangelism” this year in Sommerville, Mangere Center, Dominion Road, and Stanmore Bay, reaching out to 78 people, distributing tracts, and sharing the Gospel. Praise the Lord, 23 individuals listened to the full Gospel message, 7 made decisions to accept Christ, and 10 established assurance of faith.
EE Leaders Training: The brothers revise and learn how to reinforce the evangelism techniques. Other than in person evangelism, we also share the gospel via ZOOM.
EE Short Term Mission: In mid-August 2023, the sisters participated in the Vanuatu Short Term Mission. In late June 2024, the sisters participated in Fiji’s short-term mission.
街頭佈道:每月第一個星期六,在東區、南區、西區以及北岸的Stanmore Bay進行街頭佈道。
三福團隊今年有9次「街頭佈道」,在Sommerville, Mangere Center ,Dominion Road and Stanmore Bay ,接觸78人,派單張並分享福音。感謝主,23人聽完整全福音、7人決志信主。 10建立確據。
三福短宣:2023年8月中旬,姊妹參加了瓦努阿圖Vanuatu 的短宣事奉。2024年6月下旬,姊妹參加Fiji 斐濟的短宣事奉。
At last year’s Mission Convention, Missionary Pastor Eric Ko from Care Ministries International New Zealand (CMINZ) shared and arranged the following ministries.
- Food Bank: More than a dozen brothers and sisters participated in the food bank’s packing work on August 2 and September 27, 2023. Currently there are still a few sisters who continue to participate in this ministry.
- Collections: In late October 2023, we collected 320 sets of children’s toothpaste and toothbrushes (ages 5-16) and donated them to Niue Short-Term Medical Mission Teams in the South Pacific and children in need.
- Muslim Family Support: On December 16, 2023, six brothers and sisters from the English Church brought Christmas gifts to celebrate Christmas with 14 children from three Muslim families.
- Donating Supplies: On May 26, 2024, we collected sleeping bags, winter clothes and food and distributed them to street sleepers through CMINZ.
Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Gift Box Campaign: In October 2023, we gave away 150 Christmas gift boxes full of love.
- 食物銀行:有十多位弟兄姊妹在2023年8月2日和9月27日參與了食物銀行的包裝工作。目前仍有數位姊妹持續參與。
- 收集物資:在2023年10月下旬,我們收集了320套兒童牙膏和牙刷(5-16歲),捐贈給南太平洋的紐埃醫療短宣隊及有需要的兒童。
- 穆斯林家庭支援:2023年12月16日,六位英文堂的弟兄姊妹攜帶聖誕禮物,與三個穆斯林家庭的十四個孩子共渡聖誕聯歡。
- 贈送物資:2024年5月26日,我們收集睡袋、寒衣和食物,通過關懷協會送給街頭露宿者。
This year is very special. CACC has not arranged our usual annual Mission Convention. We encourage brothers and sisters to attend Global Impact Week organised by Christian Missionary Alliance New Zealand.
今年是很特別的一年,中信堂沒有安排「宣教年會」。鼓勵弟兄姊妹一同參加出席紐宣總會安排的Global Impact Week。
Adhering to the tradition of Missionary Alliance, CACC continues to participate in missions. Over the past year, through our annual Faith Pledge, we supported Missionary Alliance Global Mission Funds, CACC Mission Fund and three local missionaries, Karl Udy, Enoch Chan, and Mackenzie Nichol.
In addition, through the CACC Mission Fund, we continue to support our brothers and sisters in Christ, Simon and Karen Liu, who are spreading the gospel in Japan.
Thank God for His grace! Many brothers and sisters were moved and faithful in their offering. Total pledge collected for 2023-2024 reached $45,575, exceeding our target by 30%. On 17 September 2023, we raised an additional $1,490.10 from “selling mooncakes” to support our three local missionaries.
In 2024-2025, we will continue to support Simon and Karen Liu, and officially supporting Ps Eric Ko from CMINZ.
中信堂秉承宣道會的傳統,持續參與差傳。在過去的一年裡,我們透過每年的信心認獻,支持了紐宣總會宣教基金和中信堂宣教基金,並三位本土宣教士——Karl Udy、Enoch Chan和Mackenzie Nichol。
此外,我們亦透過教會的宣教基金,繼續支援我們在主裡的兄弟姐妹——Simon和Karen Liu,他們正在日本傳揚福音。
在2024-2025年度,我們將繼續支持Simon和Karen Liu,並新增支持紐西蘭國際關懷協會的高德成傳道。
We pray that Heavenly Father will revive our prayerful hearts and that Heavenly Father will raise up more brothers and sisters in our church, far and near, to love our neighbours and be compassionate, and to continue to learn and respond to the Lord’s great love on the road of evangelism and mission.
I want to pray with the lyrics of the hymn “All is Grace”:
O Lord! Rise up! Build up the church so that we may be strengthened by you, unite and become a member of your body, in the kingdom of your beloved Son.
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Our annual tithing has decreased 2.2%. ($381k -> $377k). It was 9.6% less than our hoped for tithing.
Our overall operational expenses (i.e. for CACC and CACC Trust collectively) has increased by 34% compared to last year. Although a large increase, this was still 8% less than what we had budgeted for.
A breakdown of our operational expenses is set out below:
Key drivers for the above figures are as follows:
- Pastoral expenses were significantly lower as we had fewer paid staff.
- General expenses were significantly increased for love gift for speakers
上述支出數據的主要因素 :
- 教牧薪津顯著降低,因為我們有較少的受薪員工。
- 一般支出大幅增加,主要由於對講員的愛心奉獻。
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CACC EOFY additional commentary
Love gifts for external speakers
We had an Increase in payment due to Increase in the number of speakers compared to previous years as we had no English or Chinese Pastor
A large lump sum was paid for CMANZ insurance policy (Liability insurance via Alliance) which previously was paid through CACC Trust.
An additional sum was paid for insurance valuation and report including inspection of property, market research, preparation of valuation calculations and report.
Excluding the two anomalies, the insurance cost would be in line with the previous years.
Other expenses
A few key expenses that increased the “other expenses” in 2023-2024 financial year were the Church Leadership Retreat (Excom/Elders/Pastor retreat), and the St Johns First aid training course. These accounted for 65% of the “other expenses”.
An ongoing security payment (Chubb security) that should have been paid through CACC Trust was paid through CACC normal account.
Catering (farewell lunches)
Increase in catering costs noting the two additional farewell lunches for Ps Derek and Ps Jonathan.
Larger than previous years expense in salaries noted due to the unused annual leave which were paid out to Ps Derek and Ps Jonathan as they left their roles. The amount of unused annual leave was significant.
Moving forward, our pastors will be supported and encouraged to take their entitled leave to ensure they have sufficient rest and time off throughout the year.
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CACC Trust EOFY additional commentary
Other revenue
Healthy Brains Hub revenue moved to CACC normal account (as a sub-tenant), hence this no longer shows up on CACC Trust’s accounts.
General expenses
We had one call out from our fire system due to low battery which increased our costs compared to previous years.
New insurance policy arranged for the church building.
Security payments less this year due to an ongoing security payment (Chubb security) was paid through CACC normal account instead of the CACC Trust account.
We are expecting the coming year to remain tough from a financial perspective, but we remain confident that God will supply our every need.
The key call outs in expenditure are as follows:
We are actively looking to recruit an English Ministry pastor and a Chinese Ministry pastor. We remain faithful that God will bring suitable candidates to CACC in His time.
Some of the budgets for the ministries look different to the previous years as we have combined some ministries together (Children and Intermediates, and Youth and English). We have also included a budget to set up “Little Lambs”.
There are some capital expenditures ($31K) anticipated for this coming year, which will support our Sunday services as well as improving the useability of more of our smaller rooms in the building. This includes upgrades to our ventilation system in the library and function room, replacing the broken amp in the main hall, and upgrading our panel which is reaching end of life.
There are no significant anticipated changes in our operational and capital expenditure other than those raised above.
一些事工的預算與往年有所不同,因為我們已將部分事工合併(兒童與初小,以及青年與英文事工)。我們還包含了設立Little Lamb的預算。
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Please accept our apology that the structure planning is still a work in progress.