welcome to



Chinese Alliance Christian Church


Christ-centred, Missional, Intergenerational, Cross-cultural Church Family

我們正在招募粤語牧者 ,歡迎有感動者申請。請為這個過程禱告,求神親自帶領。

We are recruiting a Cantonese pastor and invite interested candidates to apply.
Please join us in prayer for God’s guidance in this process. 

New to CACC? You are so welcome here. 

We are so glad that you found your way here and we’d love to have you join us this Sunday at church. Whether you stumbled across us, are exploring faith for the first time, or looking for a church to call home, welcome. If CACC sounds like a place you’d like to call home, then fill out the Newcomers Connect Card below. We can’t wait to have you encounter and pursue God.

