Welcome Team


We noticed there were gradually more new faces and families coming through our church doors. Most of them were new families arriving from overseas to settle in New Zealand. The Welcome Team was set up with a dedication to receiving new comers and giving them a warm welcome at church. It aimed to provide end-to-end pastoral care so that they could experience a deeper sense of belonging in our church family. We introduced them to CACC church life and provided them with support in areas of parenting, education and family life through the Enrich Gym seminars. We encouraged them to join one of our thriving fellowships so that they could be continually cared for and supported by the group leaders. Parents were pleased that their children’s spiritual needs were provided for through the youth and children ministries.

As Paul taught the Roman Christians in Romans 12:13b"Practice hospitality". We pray that newcomers will see and experience the love of Christ when they step into our church.

大約兩年前,我們注意陸續有更多新面孔和新家庭走進我們的教會大門。他們大多數是從海外來到新西蘭定居的新家庭。迎新團隊的成立致力於接待新來的朋友,並給予他們熱烈的歡迎。它旨在提供全面的教牧關懷,使他們能夠在我們的教會大家庭中,體驗到更深層次的歸屬感。我們向他們介紹中信堂教會生活,並通過健樂坊(Enrich Gym)的講座為他們提供教養兒女、教育和家庭生活方面的支持。


過去兩年的新冠疫情確實阻礙了我們與新來賓建立更緊密的關係。我們無法為新朋友安排歡迎茶會或午餐。隨著疫情的緩和,我們希望能夠向加入中信堂的新朋友和家庭預備這些迎新活動。正如保羅在羅馬書 12:13b 中教導羅馬基督徒待客之道:「客要一味地款待」。我們祈求新來賓在踏入我們的教會時,能看到並體驗基督的愛。